
Symptoms Before Diagnosis

Miles P. asked the question: I don’t see a lot of posts about this, but curious on people’s experiences. Can anyone look back and see toxic symptoms that were ignored before everything really exploded?


  • Headache
  • Anxiety… I was never anxious, and yet a couple of months before s*** hit the fan I was terrified all the time. I thought it was because I had given birth to our second son, but I am now convinced it was due to B6T. Oh and I had been tired for about a year
  • I am unsure if it is related but I had a phyllodes breast tumor about a year prior to my b6 toxicity. During this time I began having neuropathy which at the time I wasn’t sure what it was.. Numbness in 1 arm mostly, tingling in hands and feet, it came on every time I was dehydrated.
  • Arms felt numb while sleeping thought it was a result of poor sleeping position. Also tingling/numbness in feet when I crossed my legs while setting for a long time.
  • My very first symptom was sound sensitivity (hyperacusis). You know, normal things you hear every day like dogs barking or putting dishes away and I’d cover my ears. I’ve never been to a loud outdoor concert with volumes exceeding 120 decibels. I went had an audiologist test my hearing and examine my ears. Nothing was wrong. A few months later I started having back pain in the center left area for no apparent reason. I had an X-ray and the surgeon said nothing looked out of the ordinary. The major kicker was when I started having night sweats. That was it. I knew something was wrong but no doctor I saw by that time including my general practitioner, audiologist, orthopedic surgeon, and endocrinologist had suggested it could be a vitamin deficiency or toxicity. They were all perplexed, shrugged their shoulders and just said “there’s not much I can do”. Those were the early signs/symptoms and was the beginning of my battle with B6 Toxicity.
  • Headache all day/every day. And anxiety.
  • Yes! Prickly feeling in my legs when walking. Heart palpitations when laying down. I even suspect IBS symptoms.
  • Yes. I believe I was toxic as a teen.
  • Enormously ! Headache, vertigo, arms numb, low blood pressure, high heart rate, extreme anxiety and depression and panic attacks. The huge symptoms (impossibility walking and extreme shaking in all the body) started 4 days after me giving birth. (I think the dehydration caused by the fasting and the c-section gave it all a boost) I was hospitalised but no one ever checked my B6 level…It took 2 years and a half with all these symptoms getting worse and with more symptoms coming into figure to test my B6 level. And even after that, no doctor gave it real blame on my symptoms even though all my tests comes clean (MRI, muscle check, brain scans, muscle scans in different part of the body, hormonal checks, 20 blood test and the list goes on). Until I found the group, and started reading posts and people describing their symptoms to find the exact same story as me in everyone and was relieved that I wasn’t going crazy. I checked my pregnancy supplements and discovered that B6 dose was 100% RDA in them. With a diet already 90% minimum RDA.
  • Yes!! GI issues, depression
  • I’ve done a look back and realize now that I was probably having toxic symptoms for a few years before I had the big explosion of symptoms. Little things that I just blew off as part of preworkout, or a running injury, or stress. Hands getting slightly numb, feet getting pains and pins and needles, neck issues, and also a few heart related issues and high blood pressure. I know now I was taking insanely high doses of B6 for 10+ years, but these symptoms probably started around 7 years ago and then the big explosion 5 years ago. So there were probably more in that period I haven’t remembered yet.
  • Yes- no question, I was waking up with numb and tingly arms for like 10 months prior to protocol. Doc did nothing (he could have saved me at that stage if he was B6 aware). Also waking with fatigue like I hadn’t slept at all and aching rear ribs and middle back pain. Could hardly climb out of bed. Then as it got worse I noticed lighting bolts to sole of right foot. Some weird memorization things, then one day I passed out. Then it got way worse after that, mainly in the head. But also stomach and other areas.
  • My first symptom was restless feet and then mild warmth of my feet at night. Diagnosed anxiety. Also headaches after Covid dehydration, diagnosed as long Covid, but was healed on B6T protocol.
  • My very first symptom was a severe itching in like a pin prick area on the bottom of my foot. Happened several times and I thought what the heck is this? I didn’t find out I had neuropathy for about two years after that. And didn’t know about B6 even longer.
  • So many. A bit anxious, heart palpitations, legs got really achy & tired when walking, an achy shoulder/neck problem that the physio couldn’t fix, foggy brain where I felt a little drunk while driving. Probably more but main ones I can think of atm.
  • Yes – pins and needles and numbness in hands then later on, before it all came crashing down, electric currents and burning pain up and down my legs.
  • Pins and needles, circulation issues, bleeding gums and heart palpitations
  • I ignored a lot of symptoms until they were severe… for more than a year. I had times of dizziness, I had racing heart when warming up at the tennis court… I started investigating after I had my first panic attack. Took me a year from then to find out it’s B6 toxicity
  • I had a large itchy sore on my left thigh that kept getting larger. Doctors did all these test and had no idea what it was. I was also forgetting to breath which led to severe panic attacks. Breathing was something I had to remember to do..it wasn’t automatic. I also had blood pressure spikes and sudden drops. I’m 27 months in and those symptoms have resolved but many others remain.
  • Anxiety, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, breathlessness despite being an active runner, extreme heat induced fatigue, bladder problems, muscle spasms, weeping sore down on my left calf. All these for good 5 years before I figured it was all related to b6. When my hands started shaking, the shit hit my fan.
  • Absolutely!
  • I had weird symptoms for years that makes all sense now but I never thought back then.
  • I have had burning mouth syndrome for many years. No one knew what to do to help me. It wasn’t dry mouth. My next symptom began late last year with my feet being sensitive in the instep, then on to burning when I climbed into bed at night.
  • Thank you for this post. It helps others realize that their misdiagnosed illness(es) could have been B6 toxicity all along.
  • Body vibrations / humming at night. Nothing else.
  • Circulation problems in lower legs and pelvis.
  • My arms getting really cold outside of my blanket even though I was warm in my bed.
  • While walking I noticed I had a numbish-pins/needles feeling in my lower right leg, then lower left leg. Headaches. Sensitivity to light and sound. That all went on for a few months before things really went off the rails for me (chronic migraines, difficulty walking, lots more).
  • Yes. Many of the early deposition incidents I had doctors diagnose as things like, “plantar fasciitis”, “ulnar/carpel cubital tunnel syndrome,”, “tendonitis”, “torticollis” (locked neck), TMJ disorder, muscle strain, even told to take an anti-fungal shampoo way back when, after several months on B6, random places on my scalp became a combination of itchiness and tickling/prickling/variable temperature sensations. After having all of these same things happen once more in the same places, but on a many-times-faster timeline, through the healing process of Rebound, it’s become very clear just how many conditions they were able to quite hastily misdiagnose, when in reality the cause of the inflammation and disruption in each of those areas was not, in fact, injury or fungus ( this one was a laughable deflection… I don’t know how I bought it at the time, when I know better now as to what those sensations really mean (sure the itchiness could be explained away, but not the other two) – it’s no wonder the shampoo did nothing but eat a whole in my wallet for 6 months until the B6 finished doing its dirty deeds and the sensations stopped on their own) but in fact… It Was A̴g̴a̴t̴h̴a̴ B6 All Along.
  • My first symptom as a teenager was interstitial cystitis. Then vulvodynia, then anxiety. Then the explosion of every symptom under the sun after a dehydration event.
  • Anxiety, brain fog and double vision.
  • Yes, for most of my life. I am 67 years old and had symptoms as a young child and only had a diagnosis 3 and a half years ago.

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