Below you will find inspirational healing stories from our members. They are divided into two groups: stories with normal B6 blood test results and stories without normal blood test results.
Healing Stories With Normal B6 Blood Test Results
Holly W.
Here is my B6 toxic-to-healing timeline, I pray this can help someone:
11/1/22- Started taking Centrum Multivitamins everyday without fail, which contains only 2mg of B6. Coupled with a daily hair/nail vitamin by Natures Bounty containing 2500mg of Biotin. I was NOT vitamin deficient, I just thought this is what I was supposed to take for good health. I’m a very healthy, middle aged woman who NEVER gets sick or needs a doctor.
11/13/22- Vertigo symptoms begin for a total of 6 weeks straight. I had never experienced vertigo before. Went to ear doctor and ran tests. They found nothing.
Symptoms: Extreme dizziness when turning head side-to-side, off balance, running into walls (mild), extreme fatigue.
11/25/22- I notice VERY mild tingling in my hand while taking showers.
12/20/22- Vertigo finally stops on this day. Mild hand tingling continues (only while in shower).
1/6/23- I notice the tingling is increasing and manifests only on the right side of my body. I feel the tingles in my right arm/hand every day and the intensity is increasing as time goes on. The tingles are not only limited to the shower now.
I also notice similar symptoms of Lhermitte’s Sign. When I put my head down, I experience a quick vibration (zap) in my body.
Aside from that, I would receive random “buzzing” in my body with no explanation. The insomnia is ramping up.
3/2023- By March, the tingles are also felt in my right thigh and I notice the tingles can be activated by clothes rubbing against my body too. I go to a neurologist and they run me through some simple tests and can’t find anything so they order an MRI and nerve test. Neither test I want to do, simply because I have a HIGH insurance deductible and this would have to be paid out of pocket. So I do nothing.
5/10/23- My husband and I are praying to Jesus to reveal to us what the cause of this is and the Lord is the one who tells us about B6T, which neither of us had ever heard of. What the Lord had showed us was confirmed with the website by Beth, “Understanding B6 Toxicity.” At that point, I believed B6 was the cause of my symptoms and the Lord led us to this revelation.
5/11/23- First day I stopped ALL vitamins and began exercising, drinking water/Gatorade, and watching my natural B6 intake through foods.
5/13/23- Current Symptoms:
Lhermitte Sign
Itch, that can’t be itched
Mild heaviness in right arm
Muscle back/spine ache
Neck pain
Tingles activated by clothes
Weird taste in mouth
Dry skin
Hands/legs “falling asleep”
Weird symptoms that come and go
5/15/23- Been off vitamins for 5 days and I go to Quest Diagnostic to get B6 and B12 bloodwork.
5/20/23- I receive both B6/B12 results and they were both normal and IN RANGE! I was discouraged and questioned if I was on the wrong path but after praying, I felt confident the Lord was telling me to keep going and the symptoms were due to B6, so I stayed on the protocol.
5/24/23- For the past week, my symptoms became mild, but still felt on a daily basis. But this was wonderful because I had not experienced this kind of reprieve from symptoms.
5/25/23- Recoil begins. Symptoms increase and now vertigo strikes again. I’m very disappointed but trusting in the process as the website warned!
6/2/23- Start increasing my exercise and water/Gatorade intake.
6/20/23- Dehydration event- after getting the stomach flu. Symptoms increased really strong. Stayed focus and ramped up exercise and water/Gatorade
6/30/23- Symptoms are no longer as strong from the dehydration event and are starting to taper down. Staying committed to exercise and water/Gatorade.
7/3/23- Symptoms are VERY MILD.
7/11/23- Barely feel any symptoms, no longer are symptoms daily.
7/21/23- symptoms only continue to lessen. I barely even feel symptoms.
8/4/23- As of today, three months off of supplements, I’m experiencing 95-98% continual healing. I do not experience symptoms daily anymore. The ONLY symptom that’s hanging on is the Lhermitte’s sign, but even that is 95% better. I don’t feel it daily and when I do feel it, the vibration is very mild.
I want to encourage anyone who is going through this, especially if you do NOT have B6 bloodwork confirmation, like me. I understand your frustration and fear!
It gets better. Just keep pushing through with protocol and take it one day at a time.
I give God all the glory for showing this “hidden revelation” to me first.
Secondly, I want to thank Beth for the endless hours of research, she has poured herself into educating the masses. If not for her contribution to unmasking this beast, I’m not sure I would had followed through or trusted my conviction.
Beth is the epitome of how God can take something bad (Beth becoming B6T), and use it for good (Beth’s passion to help others). I’m very grateful and relieved! I feel like I can breathe again and I’m not crazy!
Healing Stories With Abnormal B6 Blood Test Results
Cheyenne T.
WOW! I became toxic after my doctor prescribed me Diclegis for severe pregnancy nausea. Which had 10mg in each pill – taking multiple pills a day. Along with my prenatal which had 10 mg a day. And then I was using these little pregnancy nausea candies which have 15 mg in ONE CANDY..!! (Up to 4 candies a day which I was doing).. I am APPALLED! I was taking roughly 120 mg a day for 9 months. The moment I gave birth and stopped all the medication (because my pregnancy nausea was gone).. is when the SEVERE nerve pain, vertigo, muscle weakness, migraines, etc began. For a year and a half of being hospitalized EVERY MONTH.. to having to stop breast feeding early because I was simply too sick.. to almost committing suicide because I felt my spouse and son were better off without me – who was deathly sick with NO explanation of what was wrong with me. Being told I was Suffering from anxiety and depression. Being dismissed by every doctor – even after discovering I had B6 toxicity still being dismissed! I just want to thank everyone in this group and especially the admin‘s who have typed out a protocol. A protocol that works. Within four months of doing the protocol I was essentially pain-free. I accidentally went over my B6 a few times this month and now I’m having I’d say 10% of my pain back but quite frankly I will probably stay on the protocol the rest of my life. This group saved my life. I was in a shingles support group because the nerve pain felt like the onset of shingles. One day someone commented “have you considered that you might have B6 toxicity” because a rash never appeared. I was taking antivirals every day to prevent the shingles rash of appearing. Little did I know the antiviral medication was making me severely dehydrated and making my B6 pain even worse ! I also was avoiding sodium because you’re told that sodium isn’t healthy for you. I had my sodium levels checked and they were severely low. I am just so grateful for this group. I am so grateful to know what is wrong with me. I don’t think I’ll ever fully be healed but I am okay with that. As long as I can monitor the pain, I am beyond happy. Thank you again to everyone in this group. I am constantly learning more about B6 and spreading the word to everyone I know!
Euline B.
The protocol definitely works, this group saved me! Thank you Beth!
My B6 toxicity story… I have always been a very healthy happy woman. At the end of 2020 my health took a turn for the worst and I went through 6 months of hell due to Vitamin B6 Toxicity. In November 2020 I had to have dental surgery for my wisdom teeth. I suffered nerve damage in my face from the procedure. I took a popular recommended B-vitamin to try and heal the nerve damage, and ended up completely toxic by the end of December 2020. The vitamin contained 200mg B6, I took one daily for only 36 days. This was enough to cause severe toxicity. About a month after starting the vitamin, I started to experience symptoms… I suffered the following symptoms: Lhermitte’s sign – buzzing and vibrations in my abdomen and arm when I lowered my head, this was by far the scariest symptom Tingling and numbness (Hands, feet, arms, toes) Severe anxiety and depression Loss of appetite and weight loss Muscle weakness Chest pain Heart palpatations Sensitivity to medication Insomnia Constant shakiness and feeling horribly sick Tinnitus – Still have a little bit of tinnitus Eustachian tube dysfunction – Still experiencing this. Things that helped me: This B6 Toxitcity group on Facebook Exercise for sure! Enough water, salted water and coconut water Diffuser and LED candles – this helped calm me Ice packs and heating pads Benzodiazapines (2 weeks only) Anti depressant (4 months only) Seeing a psychologist Headbands and noise cancelling headphones for ear problems Meditation Music Prayers and my faith Doctors did not help me! I have been so disappointed in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, as there is not enough research and information about this condition. I hope one day we can change that! I have healed and am healing, it took 6 months to heal from the worst of it, and after a year off B6 I feel mostly healed, I have my life back and I am happy again, this was hell, but there is hope! There is always hope! Do not give up!
Farida D.
Good evening everyone. 4 months ago I was not able to walk appropriately or stand up straight I felt pain all my body, diziness, weakness, extreme fatigue, tingling, burning, burning mouth syndrome, blurry vision, cramps, racing heart beat, itchy skin, inner vibrations, daily headaches, loss of appetite I lost a lot of weight Today I’m 4 months off b6 and all my symptoms are gone I gained back weight …I get a symptom from time to time but it is barely noticeable I’m 100% healed and I got my life back I feel my old energy is back I’m enjoying life again after losing hope that it will This b6T toxicity was a lesson for me and I learnt a lot from it. I will never ever touch a supplement without being really deficient in it and I will rely on food to get what my body needs I m tolerating food perfectly I tried potatoes (no reaction) vegetables soup (no reaction) chicken (no reaction ) but I prefer to stick up to the protocol for more time to complete the healing process I would like to thank everyone in this group for helping me in the nights when I thought I was going to die.Thank you Jeff thank you Daniella thank you Beth for heping us god bless you
Jennifer O.
Sorry for long post, but it’s a positive one! Just a positive note for those with vision issues: I think I am finally seeing improvements with my vision issues! I am six months off supplements. I have vision, proprioceptive, and autonomic issues along with internal vibrations and tingling still. My vision was my worst problem because it affected me mentally and was a huge source of anxiety. I had double vision in both eyes in my distance vision, which affected me all day long. I purchased prism glasses to wear over my contacts to help with driving, and that at least kept me going. I visited my ophthalmologist who specializes in double vision/diplopia about 3 weeks ago, and he said I have improved 50 percent since I last saw him (when I was right off supplements.) I attribute this to following the protocol very strictly. He doesn’t buy the b6 theory really (my internist did, however) but he said keep doing what I’m doing.I asked a lot of questions at my appt about the affected nerves and found my problems are associated with the sixth cranial nerve. You didn’t notice this in my appearance at all, but it made for blurry vision day and night, even with my prescription contacts in. Distance images would duplicate side by side. When I left the doctor, I started studying this nerve and it’s a very long cranial nerve. Any problems along the pathway can create vision issues. There are simple exercises online to help “wake-up” these muscles. I also did neck exercises. My neck/back/shoulders have been flared with b6 and anxiety created more tension in these areas also. I have worked out with a personal trainer for almost ten years, but the neck is just not something you focus on. And it is obviously a nerve hub. I did simple stretching exercises and also started sleeping on a heating pad that rested on the back of my neck and head. The only other thing was try to stay on my feet more to continue working on blood volume and blood flow as much as possible. I found that on days I worked out really hard, I would want to sit more because it took it out of me. The next couple of days I would be really flared. I changed to light work-outs and just stayed on my feet more during the day. I took frequent stretching and walking breaks in between desk work. I work from home so this is manageable. So–anyway–all this to say I had my best vision week ever this week! I believe the nerves are actually healing. I have not had a single week since this b6 mess started where my vision was perfect all day and I have now had 7 days in a row. I felt like my old self for the first time in six months. My “on the boat” sensations are still there, but better also. Twitching and vibrations are still there, but those are improving, as well. I was able to get some uninterrupted sleep this week, also. Don’t give up hope and stay the course with the protocol!
Julie S.
Hi All – I am just coming back to this group to offer hope to you all! I became very sick with Vitamin B6 Toxicity about 4 and 1/2 years ago and thankfully, I found this group back then. My worst symptoms involved my autonomic nervous system…My blood pressure was erratic, I lost over 30 pounds in a short period of time because of severe digestive issues, I had horrible tinnitus, I had internal trembling that lasted for several months and extreme insomnia issues. I also had vision issues and other things that went away faster than other issues. I literally thought I was going to die and that my life as I knew it was over. I had gone from a person that could hike 3-5 miles several days a week, to a person who couldn’t sit up without dizziness and could barely walk from the couch or bed to the bathroom. My muscles were decimated. I had numbness in my hands and feet in the beginning but those symptoms resolved very quickly. The process my body went through after stopping the vitamin felt like what I think a drug withdrawal might feel like. If you read my old posts, you can see my other comments. I eventually had to leave the group because I knew that in order to heal mentally from this ordeal, I needed a break from seeing the pain others were going through.
To give you hope, I can give you a rough guideline of my healing:Internal trembling – took several months to go away.
Insomnia – was horrendous for the first 6 months and literally it took about 2 years for my sleep to return to normal. Insomnia was the absolutely worst symptom I had as you can’t heal when your body won’t let you sleep.
Muscle Strength – It took me 6 months to rebuild my basic strength. I literally had to start very slow and get up every 15 minutes or so and walk around my kitchen or down the hall, etc. That progressed to longer walks and eventually I could walk again without feeling like I was going to faint.
Exercise – As noted, you have to exercise the excess B6 out of your body. I eventually got to the point where walking did not bring on B6 symptoms anymore…I think the walking got the B6 out of the muscles in my lower body only. Every time, I tried to exercise my upper body, I would feel sick again for several days. Ultimately, I chose to do minimal upper body work for a while because I needed a break from the symptoms. About 1 1/2 years into the healing, I added the upper body exercises back in. My symptoms were much less debilitating at this point. It took quite a while to get the B6 out of my upper body, I don’t know why I’d flare after those exercises but I did.
Something else that happened while I was going through this is that my Thyroid went wonky. Three months prior to discovering I had B6 Toxicity, my TSH was on the Hypothyroid side (sluggish thyroid). When my husband was demanding that my doctor keep looking at my thyroid for issues, it was discovered that I had Hashimoto’s Disease. The problem was that I was not in the typical Hypothyroid state but my body had swung to the Hyperthyroid state. I believe that the severity of some of my symptoms was exacerbated by being Hyperthyroid while I was going through the B6 removal stage. I also had to go on anti-thyroid medication to slow my thyroid down for 2 years. My thyroid is now stable and with dietary changes, I hope that I’m able to keep it that way.
Sorry this is so long but one last note…I feel like my old self again. The only time in the past 2 1/2 years that I’ve felt nerve symptoms is when I have had to go on an antibiotic. It wasn’t CIPRO but antibiotics do something to my nerves and I feel weird twinges in my body for about 2 weeks after taking them. I took CIPRO 1 year prior to the start of all my symptoms and I truly believe it set my body up for the B6 toxicity. I have great doctors now who believe my story. I often tell my husband that I’d like to revisit the doctors who made fun of me and told me that a vitamin couldn’t poison my body. I’d like to have them see that the old me is back and strong as ever and that I was completely insulted by their rude and condescending behavior. I posted a recent picture of me. I would say that during the last year, I have felt the strongest. Everything up until that point, I was rebuilding stamina. Now, I feel like my old self again.
Kelela P.
My story begins 2012ish with weight loss. I started drinking water flavor drops, 0 calorie sparkling water, and electrolyte drinks, while experimenting with fasting. I assumed that I would pee out any excess vitamins. Some of the drink flavors had very large doses of b vitamins. I also tried various supplements over the years, some multivitamins that had b6, some magnesium that had b6. And I began lifting weights to build muscle and improve my metabolism, so lots of chicken, lean beef, and lean pork providing b6 naturally. My first symptom was maybe 2015-2016ish with fidgeting while watching TV at night. After a several months, I realized it was because my feet were warm, so I would get up and rinse them off in cool water. Or, I would lower my entire body temperature by removing blankets or clothes, until my feet cooled down too. After probably a year of that, my feet started getting much more noticeably hot and red, only at night, usually after dinner. But fairly infrequent. During 2017-2019 I also got a professional certification, planned my wedding, planned my honeymoon. I developed severe IBS, a colonoscopy diagnosed me with autoimmune lymphocytic colitis. I finally controlled that by removing dairy. So money and time constraints kept me from pursuing the feet symptoms. As feet flares became more often, I asked all my friends, I asked two primary doctors, and two gynecologists. None of them had any idea what would cause feet flushing. It was not painful, just uncomfortable, so the doctors said it was nothing to worry about. I did have my routine physical exams, routine bloodwork, and routine well woman exams. I also tried stopping alcohol, stopping caffeine, and stopping various supplements, but nothing conclusive helped. Internet searches came up with “peripheral neuropathy, no cure”.In 2020 I also got diagnosed with autoimmune hashimotos thyroid disease. Though looking back at blood work I had probably had that for several years, but no doctor thought it was worth mention until 2020. But lab tests going back many years showed antibodies. As time went on, the flushing, heat, and redness in my feet got more frequent. I eventually bought ice socks off of Amazon to keep in my freezer, because that would usually stop a flare quickly. In early 2020, yet again tried to search the internet with any terms I could think of for feet flushing or hot feet at night. I finally found a group talking about erythromelalgia. That sounded like exactly what was going on with me. From that group, I learned that my problem could be due to a genetic mutation, or it could be secondary to other more serious conditions like lupus. I didn’t take action as we were all in lockdown and scared to even go to a doctor. Over that year my feet became less responsive to even the ice socks. Summer 2020 brought more setbacks as I caught Covid from an overdue eye exam. I developed daily nerve pain headaches post Covid. At first I thought it was neck tension but a couple months of chiropractor didn’t help, and then my primary dr gave me amitriptyline which helped. I also randomly developed bad face rosacea in December 2020. Once headaches controlled, and after vaccination in 2021 made me more confident to leave home, I pushed my primary dr to refer me to a cardiologist for feet flushing. It was so hard for doctors to take me seriously as the flushing never happened while at their office. I took tons of pics. The excellent cardiologist agreed I have erythromelalgia, but he also highly recommended I see a rheumatologist to rule out lupus. I cried from relief that day because someone finally took me seriously and I wasn’t crazy or just unlucky to be aging faster than normal. My rheumatologist ran a bunch of blood tests and immediately caught the b6 toxicity. That night I threw out all drinks and supplements with b6, but my doctors all told me not to worry about b6 in foods. I saw some improvements immediately with flares becoming less intense and less frequent. Also the skin of my feet was less blotchy. I eventually realized the nutritional yeast that I used for non dairy cheese flavor also has b6 because it’s fortified. Over a couple months I ate through the last of the chicken, pork, and beef in our huge freezer, and also cut avocado and big spinach salads. I tested new recipes with tilapia, shrimp, and lamb to get accustomed to lower b6 protein meals. November 2021 I finally began eating only RDA b6 daily.
UPDATE: 10/12/24
Just a small healed member update.
I was toxic about 5 years on roughly 25mg daily (foods+ various supps). I had mostly burning feet, hypothyroidism, high LDL cholesterol. In the 5th year mild dizziness, debilitating nerve pain headaches, and bumpy red rosacea. I took amitriptyline for the headaches. I did not have any motor problems and kept lifting weights and dancing throughout my toxicity.
I finally got correctly diagnosed & stopped supplements in late August 2021. I found the group and began protocol November 2021. I had no recoil. I very slowly improved and would notice improvement over a 3-month look back period. I had rebound months 6 & 7. I had a teensy second rebound at 1 year. Dizziness resolved with hydration. Rosacea resolved in the first 9 months. I weaned off the amitriptyline bit by bit after rebound, took about 2 years. The hypothyroidism and high cholesterol didn’t resolve until 2.5 years. The burning lowered to only tingling after 2 years, then after 6 more months the tingling toes finally stopped. It took me about 2.5 years to fully heal and finally have no symptoms at all.
It’s been about 6 months since my last teensy tingling symptom in March 2024. I kept on full protocol 3 more months after that. In mid June I began to up the b6 in my diet above rda to see if I am truly fully healed and can go off the rda diet. I have been eating around 190% rda for 3 months now and still no symptoms. I do lift weights 3 times per week and teach dance once a week. I do make sure to stay well hydrated with some extra salt and potassium, but I don’t measure it anymore, just sprinkle some in each drink & drink to thirst. I am very careful to read labels and not take any added b6. I still eat 2/3 of my meals that I made while on rda diet like tilapia, lamb, ham, sausage, shrimp. I have chicken or steak occasionally and pork regularly. My snacks & breakfasts are how higher b6 with avocado, salmon, cassava, & spinach. So far so good, no return of symptoms.
Kiley T.
Here to give some hope and encouragement! I am now on week 24 (6 months out) since becoming toxic with b6! I am 100% healed and restored! I feel like I had every symptom in this group and wasn’t sure if I’d ever be back to normal. I continue to stay hydrated with at least 2 liters of liquids a day and I do watch my b6 intake for the most part still. To those who are struggling – stay on the protocol, exercise and encourage your muscles to burn when working out, and stay hydrated! You WILL get better! The healing process definitely takes time and you’ll have good days and bad days, but it WILL happen! Keep fighting the good fight, you all GOT THIS! A huge thank you to Beth and Cyndi for their guidance through my toughest days! This group has been a bright light in the darkness God bless!
Linda J.
Yep most discount it. For me it was extremely obvious because I was completely fine before taking B6, and now that I have stopped for 7 months I’m almost back to 100% B6 is no joke! It will mess you up. Luckily I got blood work while still taking supplements so my levels were really high and my doctor officially diagnosed me with B6 toxicity. Had it not happened that way. If I had taken a multivitamin for years or had stopped supplements 1-2 weeks before blood work was done……???? I’m sure it would be a whole other ball game and I would not have been properly diagnosed. So I think it’s important that you think about when symptoms started? Did it start with B6 supplements? Are you having all the symptoms you see on this page? Basically do you think it is B6T?
Carla B.
I felt OK after about 18 months. By that time, I had my daily life back. Full healing took a bit more than 2 years.
Scott G.
This group and its members helped me navigate a extremely scary part of my life. Im happy to say that little by little i got better! When i hit 18 months out i had reached 100% relief. Thank you so much for all your collaborative wisdom and encouragement! Im uncertain on how i would be feeling today if i didnt find you!
Sandy W.
Two years ago, my neurologist told me my neuropathy (which went undiagnosed by my primary care physician for five+ years) would probably not progress any further if I stopped taking B6 supplements and cut back on foods high in B6; but the chance of it getting better was slim. Even if it got no worse, I didn’t want to live like that with brain fog, vertigo, lower extremity numbness and tingling, cramping all night, little sleep, anxiety, etc. etc. Thank goodness for this group. I have been on the hydration and diet protocol for about four months. My symptoms are so much better. My sleep the last few weeks has been better than I can remember, no cramping, numbness/tingling is less, and my mental wellbeing is so much better. I suddenly realized my balance seemed better, and last night for the first time in years, I was able to stand on one leg. That may sound insignificant, but it was huge for me. I know I will still have bad days, but this group and following the protocol has given me hope.
Robert C.
Today is 90 days on protocol. Let me list the improvements I’ve seen so far:
1. Migraines have stopped 100%. Don’t even get headaches anymore. Those migraines were horrible, painful & would lay me out for 10-12 hrs every time they struck. Like someone had a jackhammer in my brain. They stopped pretty quick I believe the first month.
2. Tinnitus was very loud. Mostly went away. Still comes back occassionally at a super low volume. Like 80% better.
3. Photosensitivity is mostly gone. Had to wear sunglasses outside even on cloudy days. Had to wear bluelight blockers inside. Had to sit back from screens really far. Was able to lay out in the sun 4 days in a row last week with no sunglasses. Felt awesome. Looking at screens is similar. Light no longer bothers me. Occassionally still comes back but feels like 80% better.
4. Visual snow. This was really horrible. I’d go grocery shopping & feel drunk cause my whole vision field was filled with static. Was very hard to see clear. That visual snow has changed over now to mostly just brain fog in the mornings. That gets better later in the day. It’s still pretty constant most days but intensity is way less. Would say around 40-50% better.
5. Insomnia. First month was sleeping 2-3 hrs at most. Second month got to around 4-5 hrs. Now starting month 4 I’m around 6 hrs. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Still feel brain dead in the mornings. If I wake up too early also very hard to go back to sleep. Would say around 50% better. But compared to month 1… it’s way better. Month 1 was a nightmare for sleep.
6. Energy. This is hard to rate. I seem to have way more stamina but feel weaker at the same time. Like I can move around a lot more, but I feel weak in my body. Would say energy is 30-40% better. But strength is possibly worse. Likely due to muscle atrophy from eating & sleep problems.
7. Weird blood sugar drops / reactive hypoglycemia. I have not experienced this in about 2 weeks. So around the 2 1/2 month mark it seems to have stopped. It could come back but right now it’s 100% better.
8. Raging thirst. Also, around the 2 1/2 month mark I no longer feel like I’ll die w/out water. I still follow the protocol with water & electroyltes. But early on it felt involuntary. I was always super thirsty. Now I’m not really thirsty. But drink cause I know I need too. This is also 100% better I’d say.
9. Body aches. I was getting horrible neck, hip & back pain early on. Especially before bed. The neck pain I haven’t had in a while. The hip pain seems to have stopped a month ago. I still get some back pain but even that is much better. Around 60-70% better. I do take glucosamine though & hylauronic acid.
So really, LOTS of things have improved quite dramatically. I’m not perfect. Not “fully” healed. I was doing 50-100mg B6 for 6 yrs and even injecting it that last yr. But compared to where I was… it’s a HUGE difference. My main issues now are just the brain fog, weakness & not sleeping perfect. But the protocol clearly works. Managing expectations is hard. Being patient early on when you feel like death is supremely difficult. Things can always turn south at any moment. But now I look forward to 6 months, 9 months & 12 months… with a sense of optimism I haven’t felt in a long time. And for that I really am greatful! Thank you Beth Smarzik & all members of this group. I will do a 6 month update on Nov 20th. =]
Barbara H.
7 months ago I wanted to die because my body had become horrifyingly scary. Today I wake up so thankful that I: 1) Could spend two days raking, cutting trees, and dragging debris to the road from the hurricane. I could barely move at the end of both days not by b6 but by exhaustion. 2) I woke up today with no headache and I am not weak and ready to finish cutting our last fallen tree. I do not feel any b6 aftermath from over doing it. I am so thankful I am shedding some tears. We do get better. Thank you God.
Update 7/15/24: Three years ago we went to the North Carolina mountains and I wasn’t able to leave the chalet while everyone went river water rafting and zip lining. Today I went zip lining!! I still have digestive issues and histamine intolerance but for the most part that’s it. Slight numbness in face as well. It has been a long scary road but it does get better every day.
Sana D.
15-Month Update
Hi everyone. I’m a member who got intoxicated really, really bad ( I took 500mg daily for 2 months)… I had all sorts of symptoms. I had motor, sensory and autonomic damage and my autonomic damage was very bad. I was fortunate not to get the pain and paresthesia part, but my other symptoms were really debilitating. Today I wanted to share this update because it is the first time since May that my period didn’t make me flare and I’m so happy.
I quit B6 supplements on July 9, 2021 and started the protocol. I had the worst recoil ever for two months and my symptoms were:
Boat feelings
Off balance
Swaying when I stand still
Dry eyes/blurry vision/eye pain
Heavy legs/leg spasm
Neck spasm
Fatigue and weakness
Muscle pain/bone pain
Burning mouth syndrome
Speech issues
Shortness of breath
Itchy skin
Fast heart beat
Hot flashes
Sharp pain in my head
Fingers pain
Proprioception issues
Internal tremors
Difficulty swallowing
After 2 months
Paresthesia : completely gone
Diziness : on and off
Boat feeling:on and off
Blurry vision and dry eye still there
The rest of the symptoms were gone by the end of the 4th month on the protocol. I felt completely healed (or so I thought).
From the 4th month to the 10th month, I got flares that occurred in the case of vasodilatation or during my period.
My 10th month was a living hell. Rebound started and all my autonomic symptoms were back, debilitating POTS, dry eyes, blurry vision, extreme fatigue and dizziness 24/7.
Now I’m feeling better and think I’m starting to get out of rebound ( it took me 5 months to start feeling better).
Bloat feeling: gone
Muscle weakness: gone
Weight loss : gone
Appetite loss : gone
Diziness : comes and goes
POTS: getting better
Blurry vision: still there, but better than before
Dry eyes: gone
Paresthesia: Completely gone since month 3 on the protocol
Balance issues : gone
Depersonalization: Still there but I believe it will go away like the rest of the symptoms
I hope this gives hope to the ones who are struggling with this toxicity. I never thought I would survive this, but believe me it gets better.
Yvonne W.
On B6 Toxicity protocol for over 8 months now. This program literally saved my life. I’m doing so well, I have not been thinking about it much – just living my life!! I try to stay hydrated and track all my foods and am fanatical about B6 being under RDA. Otherwise, everything just gets better and better. My myriad of symptoms faded away. The most severe – the all over pain attacks of Small Fiber Polyneuropathy – just gone. GONE! The multiple food sensitivities – I’m sure they were there, but now they vanished. 6 years of sickness, but last April 2022 that all came to an end. It seemed to be too good to be true – but yes, it really was all created by the Vitamin B6. What a relief. Thank God for this group.
Cindy C.
I don’t want to tell my entire story with B6 here. It has cost me a great deal of peace and happiness. I have been ill most of my life. What you need to know is that this group can save your life. It can heal you and it has been given to us for free. Had I never come across this, the incessant health horrors I suffered would have surely worsened. I am thankful beyond thankful for what this program has done for me. Please if you are sick and your doctors are not helping, do yourself a huge favor and try the protocol. You can do it. It can restore your health and your life to you. Lots of love to all.
Joan B.
I lost most of my vision in my left eye. Made me extremely careless also, as I lost peripheral and direct vision in that eye. Since taking it completely out, there has been major improvement in every way. The sensitivity is much better but still there. I had inflammation and it has left sediment over my pupil. However, I am seeing better than ever and my eye doctor is quite amazed.
Yvonne W.
11 months now on B6T protocol. WOW!!! I can’t believe it has been this long. And I am doing FAB. This has been a miracle.
For me: it’s the vasodilators, baby!!! Understanding this has been KEY. I had some symptoms returning recently, and I traced it down to vasodilators that did not previously bother me. I identified and removed them, and symptoms vanished. Fish oil was a huge one, also stevia surprisingly potent in its effect. Like everything, quantity matters; in the case of those 2, it was a very small amount! I now wonder if increasing sensitivity to vasodilators might be part of the cause of Rebound symptoms.
Anyway, understanding vasodilation has really made sense of the mysteries of my illness from long ago. Why I had such violent reactions to many of the supplements I tried to take when I thought I had autoimmune disease – such as resveratrol, niacin or bioflavonoids – or even eating chili (with hot peppers). I kept such good diet notes that I was CERTAIN that what I ate affected me – but it wasn’t happening the way I thought! I was NOT allergic or intolerant to food! It was ALL the B6!!!
One year ago, I was crying in pain after having 24-48 hour episodes every week with SEVERE BURNING PAIN from head to toe. I told my husband it felt like the inside of my skin was on fire. It was the worst pain of my life, and it had been increasing in intensity, after having ups and downs for 6 years.
I have almost no symptoms now. No pain. I can also eat pretty much anything. I track everything fanatically in Cronometer, keep B6 tight, and hydrate, and other than that, life is normal again. Hang in there, as there is hope!! ????
Been W.
Hey everyone. I just wanted to give an update but more importantly; hope.
I’m a 34 year old male, for reference.
Same stories as y’all, in November 2021 found out I was super toxic after years of B6 use. I stopped everything but that was it.
January 22 I got COVID and after I was just jacked up. All the symptoms. Anxiety, ringing ears, panic attacks, dizziness, dissasccosiation, the list goes on. I thought I had long COVID or something else.
April 22 I found this group, and I found hope!
I started the protocol and the salt water, and nothing changed. Spring and summer were awful. Panic attacks, dizziness, anxiety, exhaustion, headaches, nausea, you name it. I had it. But then. Around the fall
It started to get better! It was only fractional, but as the days went by, the symptoms became less and less severe. Eventually you will go a day or even 2 with nothing! You forget what it was like to suffer for a short time.
They will come back. But they are more and more mild. And now you know why, and how to combat it.
Jan 22 I was finally able to start weight training again. I had for years. But after b6 every time tried, I’d get dizzy and sick. Then I’d have anxiety super bad. But it ceased after about a year. And I can workout like normal.
I’m at 17 months B6 free and almost a year with the protocol. I’m probably 95% back to normal. I still have minor symptoms, but they don’t last.
I will always be careful though. I always drink tons of water, and eat enough to keep my blood sugar up
It will get better. It really will!!! Most of the posts are people going through it. So it seems like it’s all doom and gloom. But I’m here to tell you, you’ll be ok! One day at a time.
Robin R.
I’m 18 months on protocol and feel pretty dang good! I feel like I’ve reinhabitated by body and mind. The past months have been so back and forth, I thought I’d never feel like myself again, but here I am today, feeling like myself!
So happy I found this group. For those of you still struggling, don’t lose hope! Feeling grateful!
Nathan K.
Old member. New post. There is hope!
It’s been 9 months since all of this B6 nonsense started, and I am feeling pretty great! It has been a rocky road, but with focus and perseverance, you will get there too!
All major symptoms and almost all minor symptoms have resolved. I have some residual visual snow with eye floaters, both are also a sign of aging! “>Yikes! Haha!
Sometimes, if I under hydrate or over eat, I may get a headache or some random pins and needles for a few minutes. I use this as a reminder to keep drinking water and hydralyte.
Name a symptom in any of the posts in this group, and I have experienced it. The good news is that your body will heal ~ if you do the right things.
How did it happen to me? Personally, it is a combination of things that are clear and unclear. Definitely a high B6 diet, a men’s multivitamin, general low hydration, run down, a vitamin infusion, a nasty flu, strong antibiotics, then covid, and so on … just going too hard for too long.
Who even knew B6 toxicity was a thing.
Finding the Understanding B6 Toxicity website was a game changer for so many reasons, and I can’t thank Beth Smarzik and her team enough.
A blood test one month after symptoms began found the B6 toxicity. I had already started pulling my diet back and increasing water intuitively before the first B6 result of 57 ug/l. Another month later, after following the B6T Protocol and my B6 levels were back in normal range and have stayed there since.
What did I change in my lifestyle? Everything.
Did I always get it perfect? No.
Did I just pick up and go again? Yes.
What worked for me…
1. Eat a low B6 diet, use the App.
2. Drink 3-4 litres of water daily with hydralyte.
3. No supplements.
4. Regular exercise.
5. Sleep.
6. Find a B6 Buddy (or 2 or 3).
7. Just keep going.
Recoil started immediately once I started the B6T Protocol. Rebound started at month five, which was awful. Since then, things have been progressing very well. It is easy to look back and think ‘Why?’ but it doesn’t help a great deal. I have learnt a lot of life lessons and continue to do so from this experience.
Special mention to my B6 Buddies (Kiley, Bethaney, Kelela, Joe), they were always there when it mattered most!
In summary. You’re not alone. It’s not your fault. You will heal. One step at a time. Read the website. Download the Chronometer App.
Kim P.
I wanted to share something positive. First a thank you to Beth!
For the last week, I’ve been steadily feeling great! I’ve been following (lightly) the protocol for about 3 months.
I’d like to say that eliminating or contolling vasodialators has been AMAZING. Beth, no one, not even my dysautonomia specialists across the country told me about all these vasodialators! Holy cow! NO WONDER progesterone made me feel so bad!
I haven’t been able to get labs drawn because I live on a rural island and don’t have access to a lab without travel.
My situation had been dysautonomia, heat intolerance (extreme), night sweats, and mental short-circuiting. Tachycardia. Generally feeling like I might die at any moment.
As soon as I connected with this group, I knew that B6T was part if not all of my problem.
My journey began with another illness (a neurotoxin) in 2016. At which time I got very malnourishedn and was prescribed B12 and ultimately ended up on Megafoods Mehtyl B12 which contains 471% of B6 per dose.
I took it for 6 years and also had a high B6 diet (Paleo).
Long story short, my dysautonomia was raging and I was a total mess. Night sweats, severe heat intolerance, daily bouts of hypoglycemia. You name it… I had it going on.
So here I am. My night sweats are basically gone. My heart rate and BP are much more stable, and I can think clearly almost all of the time. My glucose seems to be stabilizing some as well (I’m hypo, not elevated glucose).
I even had the great pleasure of surfing 4 times in the last week, (twice yesterday).
Nick D.
It’s been 6 months since I became toxic and I thought it’d be appropriate to give a recovery update. I wish I could say the time flies but in many ways, this has been the longest 6 months of my life! That said, I do see light at the end of the tunnel…
Below are symptoms I consider myself to be near 100% recovered from, with roughly what month I recovered:
1. Tension headaches (3 months)
2. Dry eyes (4 months)
3. Vertigo/dizziness (4 months)
4. Muscle spasms (5 months)
5. Stomach problems (slow digestion, acid reflux, constipation) (5 months)
6. Anxiety (3 months)
7. Depersonalisation/derealisation (4 months)
8. Vertigo/dizziness (4 months)
9. Pins and needles (4 months)
10. Burning in my hands and feet (5 months)
11. Heart palpitations (4 months)
12. Insomnia* (1 month – *sleep issues ongoing)
13. Jaw tension (4 months)
And last but not least…since month 5 I’ve found no symptoms from going over RDA. I’ve been doing a protocol-lite and enjoying some more high b6 foods.
Ongoing issues:
1. Visual snow syndrome (VSS): visual snow/static, after-images, objects trailing/ghosting, white streaks and waves in my vision, light-sensitivity, colour distortion. This was scary as hell as it was persistent for months. It started really improving after month 4 but then came back around month 5 (maybe recoil?) and now it has been on and off. It’s far better than at the start but I’d still consider this ongoing.
2. Tinnitus: went but came back around month 5, still ongoing.
3. Sleep: I’ve gone from someone with terrible insomnia to someone who is sleeping 9 hours but waking up not feeling fresh. While it’s hugely improved there’s still something not right going on there.
That’s pretty much it. I think the real key is that I definitely feel more like myself than I did at the start.
Thanks to everyone who keeps this group going! I’ve found it far more positive and well-run than most health groups on Facebook – it’s been vital throughout my recovery.
Christine D.
Julia- stay strong. YOU WILL HEAL! Keep reading these words. I cried the day that Beth texted me those words bc my doctor wouldn’t tell me that… in fact no one would but Beth did and I cried and cried bc I didn’t think I would, in fact I’m crying as I type those words to you bc I look back and I see how far I’ve come. I’m 7 months in and I feel good, my rainbow is back. I walked through the darkness just like you but hang in there. You will be stronger than any person you know after going through this. You will also be healthier. I went out with friends last week and watched them throw back martinis and felt completely at ease that I will never take my body for granted and promised myself that I will continue to nourish with healthy foods, self love and sunshine. Hang in there! YOU WILL HEAL! Promise. Message me if you need anything.
Nathan K.
1 Year Update: Happy B6T Birthday to me!
What an unexpected and challenging journey … but I am stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually for it.
For the TLDR crowd, I’m 97% healed, I now follow a relaxed the B6T protocol, I continue to hydrate with 3 litres of water per day, and I try to avoid high B6 foods. I have given up chicken, salmon and avocado for now.
My one message to share … there is HOPE, and you will HEAL … if you follow the B6T protocol correctly and give your body time to heal and have patience.
My one lesson learned … the journey is not a straight line. You have to LET GO of expectations and comparisons. Everyone is DIFFERENT and will experience symptoms, healing, and progression in their own way … that’s why it’s your journey! JUST KEEP GOING!
For newbies, please download the B6T Quick Start Guide and checkout the B6T website … then read, read, and read. Ask the B6T group questions if unsure. Beth and her team have spent 1000’s of hours developing so much great content, and it’s all there for you to read and apply … don’t waste it!
So, am I 100% healed? … as I mentioned earlier, I’ll say 97%.
I’m deducting 3% for the remaining symptoms;
– mild tinnitus
– mild to moderate eye floaters (annoying!)
– mild visual snow
If these symptoms continue to remain, then what will be will be. To turn this ship around in essentially 6 to 9 months is a pretty good achievement I believe.
My summary timeline by month;
1 – Recoil
2 to 4 – Reduction in symptoms severity
5 to 6 – Rebound, symptoms went berserk!
7 to 9 – Massive reduction in symptoms
10 to 12 – Virtually back to normal
My previous post has my back story if you want to check it out.
So after 1 year, my heath is night and day in comparison to when the B6T really kicked off.
At times, you feel like it will never end, and you’ll be stuck forever, but things will improve, and you will heal.
Don’t try and climb the mountain in a day. Just look down at your feet and take one step at a time.
Nick D.
I haven’t posted here in a while. Partly because I decided to take a break from health groups for my own mental health, but also because I’ve been feeling a lot better and moving on with life.
It’s been 10 months now since it all kicked off.
I suffered from A LOT of symptoms.
Some of my worst symptoms included:
1. Horrible visual issues
2. Migraines and tension headaches
3. Tinnitus
4. So much anxiety I couldn’t leave the house
5. IBS so bad I could barely eat
6. Horrific insomnia – I had maybe a few hours sleep over a week
And this is to just name a few. I was a bubbly, sociable person and this completely destroyed me.
I’m glad to report I feel even better compared to my last update! All that remains is some mild visual snow and very mild IBS. This whole experience inspired me to work hard and build a new career over the last few months, and I’ve had a lot of success!
I know a lot of people stay on the protocol for life, and I respect that, but I’m glad to say I’ve been eating everything I want for the last few months with zero side effects.
I hope this helps those those who are recovering. It DOES get better!
Susanne H.
Hello Beth- We have not been in touch for a while now but I meant to give you an update on my healing process. As of summer this year, all symptoms including burned tongue and tingling stopped. I can eat what I want and after one year of getting check ups and scans for MS, the only confirmed thing was the b6 toxic blood test.
Darren H.
I had a 2 or 3 month immediate recoil after stopping supplements although after 1 week a brief honeymoon few days . I can’t remember now exactly how long but it seemed like forever …. then I had a very long honeymoon period for a few months then covid struck and kicked it all off POTS , palpitations, anxiety , brain fog tremors, etc. . Then after 2 months of recovery from that ( covid or B6T impossible to know which or both) 3 months honeymoon, very few symptoms. Then last Christmas thanks B6! Rebound for 2 or 3 months then everything more or less cleared up barring chronic OCD Anxiety symptoms which are just hanging on however there are other things causing that after tests but not sure , it’s possible all B6 symptoms have now cleared up but as a result of B6T its triggered the last hurdle. Now exactly 24 months since my last B6 supplement!! No zaps. No pain , no POTS , no palpitations or body vibrations, no light sensitivity, no muscle tremors! All cleared up thankfully. I hope this helps, but everyone is a bit unique, but it’s a general guide hopefully. I was a many, many years mega-dose user so considering all that I’m happy with that.
Lindsey N.
Three Year Healing Update:
I discovered this group a little over three years ago. I wanted to post an update because this group has helped me so much. When I found this group, I could not stand long enough to brush my teeth. I was constantly dehydrated, had chronic digestive issues, and nonstop tingling in my legs. I could go on but you all know what it is like – you can also search my posts in this group to read more detail.
Today I am healed. I am better than I ever thought I would be. I would not say I am 100%, but I enjoyed all the traditional Thanksgiving foods – including turkey! – without suffering any major symptoms, which was not possible until this year. This past October, I went on a four hour hike and then spent that very same evening at an event that required a lot of walking and standing. This would not have been possible without following the protocol outlined in this group.
I thought I would never be able to push my body physically like I had before. I thought that I would never be able to enjoy foods that are high in B6 again. Thankfully, I was wrong! I can eat bananas without my lips or legs starting to tingle. I am able to exercise and still be able to function normally afterwards (i.e., go grocery shopping, stand to cook dinner, clean the house, instead of being confined to the couch).
I do not think I am 100% healed because I do notice an increase of symptoms when I overdo it on high B6 foods – but it takes weeks of high B6 for that to happen vs one meal before. My symptoms also increase when I let myself get dehydrated. Sometimes my heart rate spikes when it shouldn’t really. I still get jello legs if I’m in a hot shower for too long, especially if I am dehydrated. But nothing at all like it was before. I would say I am 90-95% healed.
I was not strict enough about the protocol, which is why it has taken me this long to get to this point. I also made the mistake of eating too little B6 for quite a while. It is important to hit your RDA while healing. I think I would have healed much faster had I been more strict about the protocol.
I still follow the hydration protocol and avoid high B6 foods for the most part. I try to get in a lot of bodybuilding style workouts (lower weight, higher reps). But for the most part I am able to live normally and I believe that eventually I will be 100%. I will probably always stick to the hydration protocol and exercise – because it is good for you anyway!
I saw a post about struggling to get a diagnosis. I was diagnosed, but that is all the neurologist did for me. He said I could improve but I may not ever get to 100%. He said there wasn’t a treatment he could provide. I get wanting to get that confirmation from a medical professional, but at the end of the day, it was the protocol that healed me.
I really liked reading these types of posts when I first joined and always hoped I would write one some day. I hope this post gives those new to the process the encouragement to keep going like they did for me when I started.
Irina S.
Hello! Wish you the best! I want to share to you my story! That time when I was very toxic, (pain 9/10 all over for 8 months) I wanted to see some happy stories …..I’M HEALED after 1 year and a half……I had a rebound after an year…but in the last 4 months have no symptom…Now I have other problems…a cyst in my right thyroid lobe…( 10% chances of malignancy…B6 toxicity is not the worst thing!!!), but is not related… Be patient… all the symptoms will pass… and follow the protocol. I know that the symptoms for B6 toxicity are pretty scary…but they will pass….time and protocol solve this! (Small fiber neuropathy gets better in time.)
Chrissy D.
Just wanted to share words of encouragement to anyone who is struggling or feeling like they may never overcome their symptoms. I can remember feeling as though I would never get better. I found this old note from January 2023, I’m a year and a half healed now. The only symptom I still have is memory loss. With diet adjustments, following the protocol, and a whole lot of coconut water I was able to significantly reduce my symptoms in 10 months. Now at 18 months it all feels like a dream. My heart goes out to anyone struggling, we all know just how hard it can be. But it does get better, and it will. Prayers for all of you.
Symptoms I’ve Had
Suicidal ideation
Green stool
Lower back pain
Joint pain
Pins and needles in my hands
Muscle pain
Easily bruising
Lost 12lbs
Intolerance to heat and cold
Lightheadedness (almost passing out)
Brain fog
Memory issues
Monique G.
The last two mornings I’ve been able to get up, in the dark, drive to the beach and watch the sunrise. Not long ago I thought these days were truly past me. This morning, I got goosebumps, I sat on the rocks with no vertigo and I cried.
Any regular person could never grasp how lucky they are to just live.
To just wake up and function without the constant torment of B6T.
I’m healing. It took me a while to surrender to that, the fear of being let down again was so ingrained in me.
I have the most intense gratitude for life, for health, for my child, for being able to walk, talk, and now slowly incorporate the things I love again.
Please hold onto hope, the mind is a powerful thing, but it can easily turn against you in tough times. Hold onto hope and faith with everything you’ve got. Better times are coming
Morgan B.
I wanted to update the group of my recovery process. I was so severe I couldn’t use my hands to type on a laptop. I can now drive, do daily living tasks. Biggest hurdle is heavy fire safety doors and really stiff dryer doors at this point.
It took me about 2.5 years to recover from my worst point to this point.
I hope to motivate those who have had severe b6 toxicity symptoms. You can recover.
Zara A.
Good news/motivational update:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post here to say that I am feeling significantly better after getting toxic in March 2023. Honestly, I was so ill and practically bedbound for such a long time that i thought my life was ruined and that I would never recover.
But… I have, very very slowly, but it’s happened.
Mild symptoms still happen (see my previous posts), but overall I’m almost back to normal and am going back to work, finally, next month.
All I can say is: KEEP GOING. Things will get better, and you will get your life back to the way it was, or at least close enough.
Stick with low B6 foods and stay hydrated to let your body recover.
Wishing you all peace, health and happiness
Kaisa E.
I wanted to share good news with you. I am having a great relief of all my symptoms at 17.5 months.
My brain fog and other symptoms got indeed worse than what I had lately, before they subsided. I am at the stage I can quite well control my flares with proper hydration. I had to add 1 liter more of salted water/juice/coconut water per day of what I already had been drinking. Sipping liquid all day long. If I get dehydrated, I suffer for 1-2 weeks of symptoms and weakness so it’s all about preventing dehydration right now.
I am feeling normal! My memory is getting normal for the first time in 1.5 years! The heal is real. I will stay on the protocol. I feel amazing for the first time in 1.5 years. Wanted to talk with people, laughed, and smiled yesterday.
Kellie M.
I just thought I would pop a post in here to give you all hope. It’s been 15 mos. for me, I’ve been through 4 mos. of rebound!! I can honestly say.. I can eat anything now, and not react! I have resumed my active lifestyle and the only symptom that occasionally pops in to say hi, is the dreaded depression or depressive feelings.. very short lived and controllable.
Please hang in there!! I promise you will heal!!
Stay strong!!
Ginger K.
I wanted to share some words of encouragement from my neurologist for those who might be having lingering symptoms for over a year or two. He said that depending on what nerves were damaged, some of them are very long. For example, the cranial nerves can lead into the spine and down the arm. This is VERY long and nerves only heal 1-2 mm per day. So, if that nerve is 3 feet long-give or take, you are looking at 2.5-3 years of healing.
I’m at about 2.5 years into healing and have many days where I am about 100%. I have had no major rebound, only small rebounds and noticeable healing after. My only real symptoms I am dealing with are vestibular migraine symptoms which do not impact my ability to live, they are just annoying (slight head pressure, woozy feeling, focus off, sometimes derealization, lasts about 45 mins on average) My neurologist feels that this is all normal and I will be 100% as soon as the remaining nerve/nerves fully heal. (And for those who are wondering, I stay hydrated and follow the protocol enough to make sure I don’t overdo heavy b6 foods, although, foods have not bothered me since 8 months on the protocol.)
If you look at my posts from a few years ago, you will see that I thought I was dying or losing my mind. This is a slow journey, but we do get better!! Acceptance was key in my ability to heal and trusting that our bodies are so wonderfully made that we can overcome this. Time is our best friend and our worst enemy. I promise, if I can heal.. You can heal.
Norma L.
I wanted to share my healing update. I found this group after I hurt my neck and a few weeks after that I herniated my lower back. I was drinking loads of vitamin water, specifically the B vitamin drink and taking a B supplement, and I’m a big cereal eater which has added vit B. Before my neck injury I was a side sleeper. But then one day if I slept on my side my whole side of my body would fall asleep (get that buzzy feeling) so I have been forced to sleep on my back. I do try to side sleep but a few minutes has my arms buzzing so I’d turn to my back. BUT the last three days I’ve slept on my side without ill effects! I’m just amazed to think where I came from. Shuffling my feet like a zombie and barely able to walk with pin pricks all over my body, the boat rocking, the burning hands and feet, I’m still having some eye problems but so much better than when I was toxic. Keep healing! The body is amazing and I’m so glad to have found this group.
I’ve traveled all summer with my husband this year, and two years ago I was stuck in bed… what a difference!
Paul T.
This month marks two years since I discovered Vitamin B6 Toxicity. Like so many others here I had peripheral neuropathy, and it was destroying my life, without knowing the cause.
I was a CEO in the prime of my career, and could no longer function. I couldn’t type, do the buttons up on my business shirt, and had to stop work. Worse, I have a beautiful young family and feared my time with them was being cut short.
For me it started in 2020. COVID was taking off and there was a lot of hysteria and misinformation around the severity of the virus. Not wanting to get sick I looked to the multivitamin aisle of the local pharmacy and selected a Swisse Men’s Multivitamin, a Zinc, and a Magnesium. Resolute that this was sufficient to support my immune system and general health, I took them at the recommended dose.
In September of 2020, the first knuckle on my left index finger started to ache, badly. I visited my GP and was told to rest it, with a prescription for an anti-inflammatory. Over time that ache had spread to my whole left hand, then my right hand, then into my forearms. A trip to Sydney with the family that in April 2021, which saw us do lots of walking, was when I first suspected this condition had now spread to my legs. I was kept awake that night by aches in my legs, and a sensation that was about to become all to familiar to me, burning.
Over the time from September 2020 to November 2022 I had many visits to my GP, and other specialists looking for answers. We tested everything, or so we thought. Blood tests were a monthly exercise, each time looking for something new. I spent my time googling for answers and coming up with new theories on what it could be. Each we would test for and the results would come back, normal. I started seeing a rheumatologist who quickly ruled out anything auto-immune, but he could see I was devoid of answers and was both caring and curious, so he too humoured my search for answers.
During this time my symptoms had progressed. I had huge amounts of pain and aching in my arms and legs. The nights were horrendous, I couldn’t sleep as my body was on fire, or tingling, or both. I couldn’t lay still, my body would twitch uncontrollably, my arms and legs would jerk randomly and aggressively. At its worst, I couldn’t use cutlery, I couldn’t open bottles or jars, I could barely type a text message on my phone. Then the fasciculations started. This was the symptom I dreaded the arrival of the most, and feared it was coming. I was sitting at the dining table one day, with my legs crossed, and noticed the calf muscle on my left leg ‘rippling’ and twitching on and off. This symptom is a hallmark of ALS (MND as it is called in Australia).
I was having nerve conduction studies every three months or so, and the results were inconsistent with ALS/MND, that gave some relief, but the mind can be a dark place when these things are happening. My neurologist was mostly convinced it was all in my head (yes, in those words). Telling me it was stress and how stress can do all kinds of horrible things to the body. But the only stress I had was this condition. I’d stopped work months earlier, and I know how stress manifests in my body, and this wasn’t it. Not at all.
This went on for two years. More blood tests, CT scans, and MRI’s. The medical bills were growing, but I was determined to find the cause. Then in November 2022, my wife asked me one day “have you got the results of your last blood test yet?” I answered that I did and they were all normal, except my vitamin A levels were very mildly elevated, not enough to worry about and I had looked into it and they have nothing to do with neuropathy. Then the magical question “Do you think there is any Vitamin A in your multivitamin?”. Fortunately, we were upstairs when she asked the question and rather than walk down to check the bottle, I reached for my phone and went to the Swisse website for this particular vitamin. Scrolling down, before I reached the ingredients I see this warning: “Stop taking this medication if you experience tingling, burning or numbness and see your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible. [Contains vitamin B6].”
Wait, what! I copied and pasted that exact string into Google and up came an article from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (the authority on ‘health products’ in Australia) titled ‘Peripheral neuropathy with supplementary vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)’ which was published on the 4thof October, 2022. Only 5 weeks earlier. I read that article on how supplementation of Vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy, detailing with scary accuracy my symptoms. I headed downstairs to check my vitamin bottles, no such warning to be found, but Vitamin B6 in all three. I felt horrified and slightly optimistic, could this be it? The next day I called my GP and explained what I had found. He was dismissive of the discovery, but ordered a blood test in any case. When the results came in, I couldn’t open the file fast enough. 14 times the normal range. I burst into tears. We’d found it! But now what?
I did some reading which suggested most people make a full recovery within six months of ceasing supplementation, which I had done as soon as I saw that warning. But I was getting worse. In the six weeks since I stopped taking the vitamins, my symptoms escalated aggressively and rapidly. The pain was next level, the twitching now violent. Christmas 2022 I was driving with the family in the car and changed lanes on the highway as my arms twitched aggressively. Every symptom had gone to a whole new level. By early January 2023, the symptoms had returned to previous levels, except twice. I recall one weekend where things were really bad, then during the week went back to their usual levels, and then the exact same thing happened the following weekend. On both the Friday nights I had caught up with old colleagues and ordered a steak for dinner. I knew through my reading that beef is high in vitamin B6. It was then I knew, I have to eat low-B6. That was what I have to do. I then watched everything to make sure everything I ate was low in B6, ensuring that nothing had more than 30% of the RDI of B6, and hydration was key. I have to flush this toxin out.
You will see on the Understanding B6 Toxicity website there is the graph about recoil and rebound. It looks like a roller coaster. It is so accurate, that is exactly my experience. ‘Yay I’m recovered’, quickly turns into ‘ah this is hell, we haven’t found the cause yet!’. Each time a wave of symptoms came on I was back to Dr Google looking for a new cause because I feared we haven’t got it.
But just like the graph says, the symptoms wane, the good days turned to good weeks, and slowly, very slowly, muscles regrew, my strength returned and even my hair grew back (oh yeah, the hair on my head thinned really badly).
Two years on I still have some mild symptoms. My hands always hurt, all the time. Never less than a 2 out of 10 pain, never more than a 4 out of 10. It sometimes annoys me, but it no longer holds me back. I mean I have typed this whole thing and it didn’t hurt. The twitching is still there but very very infrequent and very subtle twitches. I think I’m 90% recovered, and a part of me thinks this is probably where I’ll stay for the rest of my time. I can live with it, it no longer bothers me. It is a constant reminder of what I lived through though. A condition I wouldn’t wish upon anyone in this world.
The healing stories on this group kept me going, the resources on the website are the best source of information I have found. If you’ve read this far and are still on your recovery journey, hang in, there is a way out, you will get there. I had my doubts along the way, but I now know without doubt what the cause was. Stick with it. Eat low B6 and give your body time to heal. You will get there.
Miles P.
I started the protocol May 8th of 2024. Today marks 8 months of being on the protocol. During the first few months I made a couple foolish altmed choices that I believe set me back a bit but overall I am healing. I Eat a low b6 diet and exercise daily with atleast 30 min of hard cardio and 30-45 min of weights. I follow the hydration closely, with added electrolytes when exercising. My blood levels remain low normal 6-7 Ng/ml on the 2.1-21.7 scale.
For reference of how sick/toxic I was.. in March of 2024 I sat down with my pregnant wife and I explained how my life insurance would pay out. I thought I was going to die.
My Rebound started sometime in late October or beginning of November. Not quite sure when exactly. I have never had a true honeymoon stage but things did calm down a bit over late summer for me.
My toxicity/recoil symptoms were horrible. I could barely walk up the stairs. autonomic issues. My anxiety was crippling. GI ussues. Bloating. Depression (never felt this in my life). Fatigue. Brain fog. Tremor.Depersonalization. Body weakness .Shortness of breath. Freezing hands. Burning hands. Numb hands. Over sweating hands. Swollen hands . Glove like feeling hands. Numb toes. Tinnitus level 10. Ear fullness. Blurry vision. Floaters. Bulging left eye . Horrible night vision. Large/small pupil size. Frozen shoulder. Left side weakness. Abnormal gait . Inability to get warm (huge temperature issues). Muscle pain, back pain, hip pain, burning feet, numb feet, flushing, rashes, histamine issues, over sensitive thighs ( I could feel everything x10), numb face, numb legs, numb mouth, dry eyes, burning thighs, burning private man parts,dry skin, bulging veins, rapid weight loss, muscle atrophy left thigh . left shoulder. right bicep. horrible sleep, stiff neck. Adrenaline rushes. Tachycardia. Inability to get sore. Chest tightness. Swallowing issues, weak voice..There is more but you get the picture….
While I still have a lot of symptoms my rebound has not been as bad as my recoil. A lot of my symptoms have calmed down or changed.
I am functioning at a pretty high level again.
My tinnitus is 5/10. Much better than the 10/10.
My weight has started to come back. I’m up 17 pounds from my lowest point. (For reference I’m 6’2, 170lbs now). My strength is coming back very slowly. Some days are better than others. My left hand strength has come back and only bothers me sometimes. My left thigh is almost back to matching my right. My left shoulder acts like frozen shoulder like symptoms sometimes but have seen muscle coming back. still get tightness and deep pain in neck and left shoulder. My entire body “creaks and pops”. I can now feel temperature throughout my body. My temperature issues come and go. I am able to tolerate the cold much better and am not freezing all the time. My gait is doing better. My hips and back are really tight. Some days it’s slightly off but I’ve seen massive improvement. With rebound I have seen a lot of parts of my body “wake up”. For me it’s been a lot of burning, warmth, tightness, tingling, bugs crawling,random numbness, random weakness. It is body wide for me. Head to toe. I experience a lot of aches and pains daily. My right eye I feel is mostly healed, while my left eye is blurry sometime with floaters. Sometimes at night it struggles a bit adjusting to the darkness. Pupil size is randomly off. Not near as bad as it was.
My brain fog is doing much better. Some days I do a feel a little more out of it, but way better than before. My anxiety is down to maybe a 3/10. It is worst at night. The mornings and day time I feel more normal. My hands are still cold most of the time and they always hurt. This is as my first symptom, I suppose it will be my last to heal. I am dealing with histamine issues. Have been since the beginning of rebound.
As I said above I am functioning. I still have A LOT of symptoms. However, I am able to run a business with 60+ employees. I Workout every day. I am able to play with my 2 year old daughter when I get home from work and hold my 3 month old boy.
I am healing. I know I have a lot of healing to do but have seen huge improvements from last May. I’m not sure what % healed id consider myself as I have a lot going on but me being able to say I’m functioning is a HUGE win in itself.
I have a deep appreciation for all of the people in this group. As this has become my health bible it has helped me tremendously on my journey. Lastly, I apologize for the lengthy post!
Healed Members

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See also: Pre-B6-Toxicity-Diagnosis Horror Stories and Healing Journey.