
Hydration!!! Water, Salt, Potassium, Sugar

Hydration! Hydration! Hydration! Although the entire B6T Protocol for healing is important, this is the section that you need to read over and over and over again. If you are not curing your dehydration then you cannot get the B6 lowered in your blood. Hydration is also important for support for our low blood volume.

In the Historical View section of the website, I stated, “Our communal ignorance about proper hydration including warnings from society to stay away from those very elements we need to stay hydrated helped create the dehydrating events that cause B6 to stay in the blood”. Water. Salt. Potassium. Sugar. Proper hydration requires all of these. The leaders in hydration know this. Gatorade, Pedialyte and the World Health Organization Oral Rehydration Solution all have salt (sodium and chloride), potassium and sugar in the ingredients. Yet, we have warnings at every level of our lives about the dangers of salt and sugar AND there is little discussion on the importance of potassium.

In Barry M Popkins, et al, Water, Hydration, and Healthy published in 2010, his summary includes these two paragraphs.

“Little work has been done to measure total fluid intake systematically and there is no understanding of measurement error and the best methods of understanding fluid intake. The most definitive US and European documents on total water requirements are based on these extant intake data. The absence of validation methods for water consumption intake levels and patterns represent a major knowledge gap. Even varying the methods of probing in order to collect better water recall data has been little explored.”

“On the other side of the issue is the need to understand total hydration status. There are presently no acceptable biomarkers of hydration status at the population level, and controversy exists about the current knowledge of hydration status amount older Americans. Thus, while scholars are certainly focused on attempting to create biomarkers for measuring hydration status at the population level, the topic is currently understudied”.

The scientific community knows very little about hydration.

Add into this mix the number of over-the-counter medications, prescription medications and excess supplements that contribute to dehydration. If you have something that is going to cause dehydration, wouldn’t you want to know this? If you could see listed in the side effects of a medication that it causes dehydration, you could better prepare by drinking water with electrolytes, right? You will never see dehydration listed as a side effect. Currently, the status quo is to list the side effects of dehydration itself (IE: dry mouth, dry skin, constipation, etc., etc.) instead of the word dehydration. If you’re not trained to understand that these symptoms are signs of dehydration, you won’t prepare yourself for the eventual dehydration that the medication causes.

Society, in general, is creating monsters out of the basic elements needed for hydration. We have a medical community that can’t quantify hydration. We have inadequate warnings from OTC and prescription medication, and/or excess supplements that dehydration is a side effect of that pill. It is the perfect storm for dehydration.

If you have high blood pressure, heart issues or kidney issues, do not go on this B6T Protocol without your doctor’s supervision.

Below is the hydration section of the RDA B6T Protocol.

Day One and Day Two

1. Three liters of water with 1/8 teaspoon of salt in all three of these liters of water (total salt is 3/8’s teaspoon).

2. 1/2 liter of coconut water.

3. One full liter of Pedialyte spread out over the day with 1/3 of the liter consumed before going to bed.

Day Three and Onward

1. Three to four liters of water with 1/8 teaspoon of salt in three of these liters of water (total salt is 3/8’s teaspoon). 

2. 1/2 liter of coconut water. 

3. 1/3 liter of Pedialyte consumed before going to bed.

This is the basic hydration section of the B6T Protocol. Over the years, members have stated they can’t do certain aspects of the Protocol (like the Pedialyte or coconut water). The following are the DO’s and DON’T’s as you tweak the B6T Protocol for your needs.

The Do’s

  • Do buy a blood pressure cuff to monitor your blood pressure. You can get a wrist cuff at Amazon for about $30.00.
  • Do get a monthly metabolic panel to check your potassium, sodium, chloride and glucose. Walk-In Labs is one online website where you can get bloodwork without doctor’s orders.
  • Do continue to salt your food and enjoy salty snacks.
  • Do add in potassium-rich foods.
  • Do add the B6 amount in coconut water to your daily B6 amount in Cronometer.
  • Do understand that hydration is 24/7. The 3 to 4 liters of water is spread out over a 24 hour period. The 1/3 liter of Pedialyte before you go to bed helps with the nighttime symptoms. If you continue to have excess overnight symptoms or early morning symptoms, keep salted water on your nightstand to drink.
  • Do match any other electrolyte power/drink to the Pedialyte formula. Pedialyte formula is 45% RDA sodium, 50% RDA sugar, 15% RDA potassium, 50% RDA chloride.
  • Do read the Potassium section.

The Don’ts

  • Don’t lower the water amount to below three liters of water. B6T Smart Understanding B6 Toxicity Facebook members who only drank two liters of water do not remove the excess B6 in the blood in the two to four weeks that is common with the B6T Protocol.
  • Don’t increase the water amount above four liters of water unless doctor recommended.
  • Don’t get an electrolyte power drink that has magnesium in it. It will only make your low blood volume worse.
  • Don’t assume you can get your potassium in pill form. Potassium pills contain only 2% RDA. The dose is only one pill. Excess potassium in pill form is dangerous.
  • Do not follow the B6T Protocol if you have high blood pressure, heart or kidney issues.

Any unlinked research can be found in our Index of Sources.

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