
Information for Doctors

The reference code for B6 toxicity in the ICD10 diagnostic database is E67.2.

We’ve created a simple one-page information sheet to give to doctors that contains pertinent information about B6 toxicity. Click here for a printable version of that sheet. We also have postcards and wallet cards that contain information on B6 Toxicity and links to more information, too.

The best, best, best information you can give to your doctor is to print this 100-plus page research summary of B6 toxicity. This summary of the research was done in the EU to establish the lower level for an upper tolerable limit. This research, from the best researchers in the field, did guide the EU in lowering the upper tolerable limit of B6 from 25mg to 12mg.

As we complete sections of the website, we will update Newsletter subscribers with this information. Please subscribe to our Newsletter.

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