
Our shop page started with just one product:  the B6T Smart Multivitamin.  It was a vitamin that the Understanding B6 Toxicity Facebook group members continuously requested.  It took five years to get it to market.  It became a reality after Beth sold a personal piece of land to fund it. The newest addition to the vitamin category is the B6T Smart B-Complex.  Again, another vitamin that was requested by the Facebook members.  Beth also funded this vitamin.     

The members of the Facebook group were constantly asking for a condensed version of the website. In June of 2023, we added the Quick Start Guide for $19.95. This PDF has been praised by our brain-fogged members as a quick and easy start to healing. It outlines the most important features of understanding and healing from B6 toxicity with a quick reference low B6 food list, a hydration tracker, and an exercise tracker. This Quick Start Guide gives members the foundation to continue to absorb the content-dense website.

Another recent addition to the shop page is the Awareness T-shirts.  The T-shirts try to quickly get onlookers’ attention with a caption stating vitamin B6 is a known neurotoxin.  The Awareness T-shirts are walking billboards for B6 Toxicity.  Those who wear them will be helping others understand that B6 is a neurotoxin.  Please consider becoming a walking billboard to increase B6 toxicity awareness.

We also have on the webpage our affiliate vendors.  We have suggested both Walk-In Labs and Cronometer to our Facebook members for years.  This year we joined their affiliate program.  When members use our link (provided in the shop) to purchase blood work from Walk-In Labs or Cronometer Gold, each company pays B6 Toxicity, LLC a small fee.  This fee goes directly to our Research and Education fund.  This is not a lot of money now, but hopefully, we can fund research in the future.  

Future products include pet foods for our beloved animals.  Currently, there few pet foods that don’t contain added pyridoxine (one form of B6).  Those few that don’t add B6 are created with high B6 foods. One of our future goals is to create a pet food that is nutritious but without the added neurotoxin.  

We listened to our Facebook members and responded with the products they requested.  The contents on this shop page are a source of pride for those rolling out these products.  It is a cumulation of years of hard work and dedication.  

Thank you in advance for your purchases!  


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