Vitamin B6 is a known neurotoxin. If you are already suffering from nerve damage from peripheral neuropathy, small fiber neuropathy, or small fiber polyneuropathy, you do not need to be adding fuel to the fire. Our B6T Smart B-Complex eliminates vitamin B6 from the formula! The removal of this known neurotoxin prevents excess damage to already painful nerves.
Our B-Complex vitamin without B6 offers the following:
No Vitamin B6
50% RDA of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9 & B12
Quality Ingredients
Manufactured in the USA at a FDA registered facility that is cGMP certified
The B6T Smart Supplement also RETHINKS EXCESS. This supplement considers the nutrition you get from a well-balanced diet and supplies the extra boost when diet isn’t enough. It purposely eliminates the excess that has become the norm for the supplement industry.
Although this supplement was created specifically for the Understanding B6 Toxicity Facebook group it is a refreshing departure from the most B-Complexes. Our vitamin can be used for those suffering from Small Fiber Polyneuropathy, Small Fiber Neuropathy, Dysautonomia, Peripheral Neuropathy, Sensory Neuropathy, and Autonomic Neuropathy.
If you choose this B-Complex selection, your vitamin will be auto-shipped to you.
Have questions about your order? Email [email protected].
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