The following member journeys start to finish were given to us to share with others in the hopes that they might help others who are on their own B6 Toxicity journeys.
Noel B.
New to this group, to make a long story short, I had been supplementing with 30 mg of B6 for one year and a half. I started feeling symptoms of restlessness and anxiety along with tinnitus and lightheadedness and dizziness. I’ve also felt like there’s electricity pulsing through my body my arms are always restless and so are my legs.
I didn’t pinpoint what it was until 30 days ago when I stopped taking b6 supplements. I had never had anxiety before in my life I am 47 years old. The doctor put me on Klonopin in February. It wasn’t until March 30th that I figured out it was the B6 and stopped taking it. Now 30 days later my anxiety is just as bad as ever. Dizziness is preventing me from driving and making money, I feel like I’m going to pass out at any moment. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so when did your anxiety begin to get better?
Recoil has brought the worst Anxiety and Panic Attacks of my life. I’m 41 days out of supplementation and about 8 or so days into the protocol and seeing some improvement. Dizzyness is all but gone with protocol.
For those that have gone through rebound, are Anxiety and Panic Attacks symptoms prevalent during this time as well? If so, is it as bad as recoil? Consensus in this group seems to be that symptoms in general aren’t as bad in rebound. Wondering about Anxiety specifically.
My 3 remaining symptoms at 9 weeks are Dizzyness/Lightheadedness, Restlessness in arms and legs, and Anxiety. (None of which are as bad as weeks 2-6)
Questions for those with similar symptoms:
What happens when you eat high B6 foods? Do these symptoms flare? Is it right away? Does it take a couple days?
Have been RDA or less for 6 weeks or so, will be tempted in the next couple of days.
Week 13 from last supplementation. 10 weeks on Protocol. This is my first test since stopping, don’t know for how long I’ve been within normal range. I think I’m closer to Lyndon’s story from the website. Haven’t had a week without symptoms although my symptoms are less in number and frequency as time passes. Have had a few good days here and there but not a distinguishable break after recoil. At this point, should I shoot for rda or slightly below? Thoughts?
I’m 4 months off B6.
The “anxiety” brought about every time in my life that I have supplemented with B6 is very unique. It feels unnatural. Very chemical. Not organic. And it has started fairly quickly after beginning of supplementation (weeks), persisted mildly for a year or so, got worse after stopping (recoil), and is still around at 4 months although lessened greatly by hydration protocol.
See, I’ve experienced the type of anxiety throughout my life that comes from for example: Having a loved one sick and dying for days/weeks/years. Not having enough money to keep your family housed. Being mugged at knife point and shot at. Experienced large earthquakes and aftershocks. Being chased. Being sued for large sums of money, unjustly defamed publicly. Having my child in a perilous situation. Substance abuse withdrawal. Jail. Supernatural occurrences ????. Public speaking. Having to climb to great heights for work while having a terrible fear of heights, daily. Not closing the big deal/loosing large sums of money. Health anxiety/waiting for test results/health panic attack etc.. the list goes on and on.
THIS (B6T anxiety) is different. It’s better defined in my opinion as terror. As a chemical, unnatural terror. Unfazed by deep breaths or cognitive behavioral therapy. As if someone has you on an IV of adrenaline provoking a fight or flight response that lasts hours/days. That is around even before you wake up, and as soon as you do, it’s there in full force. It’s not like a panic attack that runs it’s course. It’s persistent and seems to be constantly FUELED ⛽️, and the fuel supply doesn’t run out.
The reason for my post is to get this off my chest and to comfort anyone that can relate in knowing that they’re not alone.
It’s scary, it’s dark, it’s been the worst thing ever, but at least at 4 months, and thanks to the advise of this group, the anxiety has lessened and the fuel seems to be running out slowly.
Feeling like I’m in rebound now (4 months on Protocol) 5 months off supplements. I’m wondering if smack dab in the middle of range is ideal. Diet is about 80% of RDA.
For myself at least, I can honestly say that after having gotten significantly better in terms of agitation/anxiety/panic/restlessness during months 3-5. In month 6 it has been just as bad, if not worse than months 1-2. It has become overwhelming and debilitating. I have missed work and social obligations. If this is rebound, then at least for me, it’s as bad as recoil. The only consolation is that I don’t have most of the other symptoms along with it. If anyone can relate, please comment below.
I tend to eat the same thing daily. I calculated an average day of eating while I was toxic. This was before supplements. 25 mg in a magnesium, 2mg in a multivitamin and a couple of Propel Waters at .04 each. I did this for a year and a half.
Symptoms started at the very beginning (anxiety/restlessness, lightheadedness). They would appear maybe once a week. I was running 4 miles daily at the time, and lifting weights as well. Things came to a grinding halt when I became sick and dehydrated, continued supplements but stopped activity. Among a bevy of other symptoms anxiety restlessness and lightheadedness went from once a week mildly, to 15 on a scale of 1-10 and 24/7.
On month 11. As I’ve posted previously, a slew of terrible symptoms are gone thank God. The only 2 that remain are lightheadedness and a restless/agitated/anxiety. It used to be that these symptoms were prevalent in the morning (months 1-8). Now, they come around almost exclusively after meals.
Much has been said in this group about developing histamine problems as a result of B6T. However, I have no typical symptoms. No heartburn, rash, heart palpitations, runny nose, flushing, watery eyes, congestion, wheezing, bloating, nothing GI. Nothing. I understand, histamine still could likely be the culprit regardless. Haven’t been tested yet to check my levels, but every time I get adventurous with food (all low B6) about an hour and a half later, I’m so lightheaded and anxious that I am barely able to function.
My question to those that have been through the histamine issues is:
How long before I can have a slice of pizza again? Does anyone have a timeframe? Seems like it’s common among us during rebound, but when, if ever does it end?
Muscle twitching, eyelid twitching at 11 months? Anyone relate?
In the next couple of weeks I will hit my 1 year mark since the last time I took a supplement with B6 in it.
A few observations:
Your greatest friend is TIME. For some it’s 6 months, for others it’s 2 years or more. I can see that. Nothing will help more than time. Be patient.
Salt, water and potassium is key. Hearts of palm, dried apricots, almonds or almond butter, coconut water are all relatively low in B6 sources of potassium.
RDA B6 is also important. Chronometer is your friend.
Do not assume that any given food is causing symptoms. While this may be the case, it could also be coincidence as symptoms come and go seemingly at random. I needlessly painted myself into a food corner causing me more grief than necessary. Sometimes, you’re just in a cycle, a wave and you just have to ride it out. There will be ups and downs.
Exercise. It’s also super important. Start gradually. Don’t push it.
Cold showers. I don’t know what excess B6 combined with a dehydrating event does to your vagus nerve, or to the production of neuro transmitters, but it ain’t good. It’s well above my pay grade. I can tell you however, that daily exposure to cold water can help with both these things. 1 to 2 minutes full cold, full body, works wonders for me. It seems to build too. The effect grows with consecutive days, weeks that you do it.
At just about a year, of these symptoms: Lightheadedness/dizzyness/vertigo, anxiety/panic, restlessness, electric buzzing in extremities, internal vibration, extreme light sensitivity, bounding pulse, tinnitus, whole body tremors/chills, insomnia, ocular migraines, involuntary muscle twitching everywhere, gait/balance problems, depersonalization/derealization, mild neuropathy, nerve pain in hips. Only mild anxiety remains, and it’s gradually dissipating.
Medication. I’ve been pretty open about having to take anxiety medication throughout this process. Not everyone gets that extreme anxiety/restlessness/agitation, 24/7 fight or flight. But for those that do, medication may be necessary. Do not feel shame, use with caution and most of all respect.
I’d like to thank Beth Smarzik and everyone else in this group that has answered my questions, and shared their experiences. Without you guys, I don’t know where I’d be.
My journey is by no means over. Almost there though, I can feel myself coming back in a few, but ever more frequent precious moments at a time.
Noel B.’s Response to a member with similar issues 3/14/23:
Greetings from the other side. There is an end. It’s so hard dealing with all of your symptoms and you feel so alone. Hold on. Don’t get frustrated if it takes a while, everyone has a different timeline. Be patient, lean on others experiences in this group. It wasn’t until after a year that I turned a corner where an end was in sight. For some it’s sooner, for others it takes longer. Feel free to reach out if you need. Blessings.
No significant dietary or hydration changes since last July. Restarted cardio exercise October 6th with very little increase in intensity until current day. Interesting results. Will now move on to weight training. A little background: Been off B6 supplements for 13 months, on protocol for 12. As of now, of these symptoms: Lightheadedness/dizzyness/vertigo, anxiety/panic, restlessness, electric buzzing in extremities, akathisia, internal vibration, extreme light sensitivity, bounding pulse, tinnitus, whole body tremors/chills, insomnia, ocular migraines, involuntary muscle twitching everywhere, gait/balance problems, depersonalization/derealization, mild neuropathy, nerve pain in hips. Most days zero remain.
Noel B.’s Final Post on Anxiety 11/20/23:
For the record. I am 19 months since my last dose of supplements. Throughout this journey, before this week, I’d gotten sick with a bad cold or flu 3 times. Each time, I experienced a resurgence in symptoms. Agitated, fight or flight, nerve pain, extreme lightheadedness pots type symptoms, trembling and the list goes on. I feel like whatever damage was done from B6T acted to sensitize my nervous system. Upon fighting a cold or flu, things would all come back with a vengeance.
Well, I’m happy to report that this week I’ve come down with something terrible. I know, sounds funny but hear me out. I have a really, really bad cold/flu that has given me a fever, horrible body aches, congestion and shortness of breath. As bad or worse as the other 3 times. BUT, not a single B6T symptom in sight. None at all. I’m on the other side of this cold/flu whatever so I can say assuredly that it’s the case, symptoms did not return. Glory to God.
In terms of anxiety, I’m still on a small dose of medication as my doctor insisted on a long and protracted taper. But, considering I’m constantly reducing my medication and it’s so much less, this cold/flu should have at least made me feel a bit agitated, some anxiety, but no. Nothing. I don’t feel my nervous system is sensitive anymore.
To all going through it, there’s hope. Again, there is an end.
Stopped B6 Supplements March 30th of 2022. First test 6 days later was 64.9 on 2.1-21.7 scale.
My experience is well documented here, look me up for details if you’re interested. Found this group, went on an RDA B6 diet, and started hydration protocol at the end of April 2022. Stayed on RDA B6 for about 15 months. During that first year off, being VERY strict about hydration and RDA, my tests kept climbing. Still within range, however climbing none the less. Why? Well, because B6 was stored in my muscle, and during that time it was slowly being released with exercise. The numbers don’t lie.
One month shy of my 2 year anniversary off of B6 and after 6 months of eating chicken, avocado, potatoes, beef etc to my heart’s content, yes 6 months of a normal to high B6 diet, I am within range. Mind you however, I still drink quite a bit of water, still add 1 gram of salt in pill form and hit RDA potassium daily.
This I am posting to show all that are at your worst, that there is an end. I wouldn’t wish the experience I had with B6T on my worst enemy, but, it did change who I am for the better, and I am grateful to God for having seen me through it. Thanks again Beth Smarzik and all that helped me along the way.
Chris F.
Rebound starts!! I have realized I’m currently in rebound after adding up my symptoms progressing over the past week. It doesn’t just hit where you wake up and BAM, you know you’re in rebound. You sometimes have to weigh the factors and say “yup, gotta be rebound and not just a flare!”. It started with histamine reactions last week going in the cold and flying to Maryland. My neuropahy came back along with bad allergies and severe dry skin. But then a new swallowing malfunction symptom started and worried me.
Now a lot of old symptoms are back, but not as debilitating. Random body tremors, uncoordinated swallowing issues, sore and weak jaw muscles, digestion issues, mild incontinence, insomnia and sleeping 5 hours tops, mild heart arrhythmia, faint feeling of the pulse, vision issues, brain fog and concentration issues, cold flashes, and handwriting and spelling poor (see below pic haha. This post took so many autocorrects it’s not funny).
Im currently at 7 months from stopping B6, 3 months on protocol and been toxic since 2018. I tested at 220 on a test range of 20-60, and determined Ive been taking over 700% the RDA for years from supplements, preworkout, energy drinks and extreme healthy diet (Chicken/Broccoli/Rice, Salmon, Nuts, protein drinks and bars, etc). Ive had random flares since I came out of recoil from COVID, long flights, taking inlfammatory meds too long, trying to run again too quick, etc. that typically last a week or two. But this is full blown rebound finally.
But Im doing pretty good with it. The symptoms are starting to wane already and mentally Im staying positive. I wanted to share some things Ive done since Day 1 of healing that help me stay positive, stay focused and I think help speed up healing and lessen the severity of symptoms. Here are some things:
- I keep track of my timelines. See pic below of my board. This helps me remember where Im at and my progress and that Im healing.
- Daily symptom journal. I use the app Day One to track my daily journey and all my symptoms. Then I can back track to see when something actually started and when healing should occur.
- Daily and weekly motivational reminders. See my board!
- Daily yoga. Stretching has helped so much. Just 10-15 minutes.
- Daily meditation and manifestation. I say “Im healing” and “Im healed”, “Im peaceful and positive”, “Life is good and Im blessed” and it helps sooooo much! I use the app Slowdive and it helps for focused meditation or I use healing sounds. I used to not do this, but a close friend and yogi guru got me started and wow, this has been the biggest help!
- Daily walking outdoors. As much as I can to get fresh air and natural Vitamin D. I walk and listen to audiobooks, podcasts, something. If I cant walk, I sit outside and read in the sun and nature! Breath the fresh air!!
- Daily exercise be it weights, aerobics, working on my house, something.
- Daily cold showers!!! Seriously…it SUCKS, but this is a big one for helping since I started. It helps with inflammation and also helps calm the vagus nerve which is the central cause of a lot of our autonomic symptoms. I take a normal shower after exercising, then at the end I switch it quickly to all cold and try to stay in as long as I can. First try was 10 seconds haha. Now Im 1 minute+.
- Massage and chiropractic. Not for everyone, I know massage is a vasoldialator and I usually have some symptoms a day after both, but they have been so much relief. When my neck muscles get so stiff and sore, I do both of these the same day and within a couple days Im back to normal. Without, it takes weeks. Tread lightly on massage!
- Therapy!!!!! I started therapy last year when I was bad toxic cause I thought it was anxiety, stress and I was dying. But Ive stuck with it during healing cause it helps to vent, helps to determine strategies for mental and emotional healing and dealing with our PTSD from this. Find a good therapist and go!
- Find a doctor who listens!! Ive gone through 4 nuerologist, 3 Primary care docs and 3 chirporactors and it took my current Primary doc to listen when I asked for a new neurologist, but one that would listen and work with me. And then it took that new nuerologist to say “hmm, let’s check your blood levels.” and he took 7 vials and finally came back with B6 toxocity! Check the Understanding B6 webiste for a list of docs. If you don’t like your doc, change them!!! My team now is PERFECT!! All my docs know what Im dealing with and are patient. And they listen!! It took 5 years to get to here!!!
- Oura ring! I use this when I sleep and it helps track my sleeping time, breathing, pulse and HRV. This lets me know when Im starting to get into rebound or a flare when sleeping starts to dive, and I can see when healing is happening when sleeping starts to get better. It even tells me on the app my body needs to rest, so I take it easy that day! It helps
- Cronometer!!! I wasnt the best at this in the beginning and flares were more common. Now I track closely and flares are less frequent and dont last as long. I was eating well over the daily RDA and didnt realize!
- Mediteranian diet focus! This helps with inflammation, but also tricky to keep the RDA close to range. But helps.
- Hydration Protocol!!!! Find a way to stick to it. If you dont like coconut water, add to smoothie. Add little bit to salt water, etc. But be RELIGIOUS with the hydration! I make up my daily intake each night before bed so the next mornign I can start and I know where Im at through the day! Track it, stick to it!
- I track my blood pressure once a week atleast since on the salt regimine and have high blood pressure. Also keeps me positive that Im healing.
- Stay away from supplements and extras unless you know for sure you need them. Dont take vitamins that you dont need, that’s what got us in this mess. If you think “oh I’ll add ginger and Vitamin B-12 and blah, blah, blah cause it will help heal!” It may back track you. If you see you are B-12 deficient, then consider supplementing diet naturally first! But test your levels first, dont assume you need something! I was taking just a simple Beet Chewable to help with blood pressure. “All Natural Beets” and they ended up having 120% the RDA of B6 in one chew!!! One simple extra can send you in a flare or rebound!
- Find positive things daily about healing. “Today I didnt have neuropathy, bonus!!” or “I only woke up twice instead of 4 times last night!”. “I hit the RDA perfectly, nice!” Each day we have positives…remind yourself of them.
- Do something, one thing, you love daily. Even when you’re suffering hard, do one thing you love! I pick up my guitar and just play a little. I read a book I love. I turn on my favorite artist and just listen. I go see my Mom and just talk about the old days. Chat with a friend for a few minutes. Something you love DAILY!!
- When you feel good, abuse it!!! My good days are becoming more than bad days now, and when a good day happens I exploit the heck out of it! I do anything I can during that good day, so when the bad day happens I can relax in it and heal. I have a list of things I want to accomplish on good days so when they happen, I pick one and dive in!! Start small and work your way up!
- Let your friends and family know what you’re dealing with. I tell them “Im healing from B6 toxicity, I fried my nervous system and have some crazy symptoms, but Im not dying! It may take 6 months to a year or more to heal, so if I have bad days and bow out of things, its not you! Im sorry but Im going to have bad days and good days!” I used to hide my symptoms, but now I gently let them know and lifes gotten better. They understand more now.
- Lastly….lean on this group! SOOOO Much of my hope and positivity has come from finding this group, chatting with others and using that search option!! If I cant find it on search, I ask! But just reading the post, going to the website, getting the guidebook…without this, Id be suffering alone…the key word is suffering!! Use it, use us, use the community!! Thank you Beth and others for this. You are all Angels!!!!!
Sorry for the long detailed post, I tend to do that often. Hazard of being a writer and creative. But I hope even one thing on here helps someone. Im having rebound brain fog bad this week, so Im sure I left out something or there insane typos, but hope this helps. Now Im off to do my daily walk! Peace, love and healing to all.
Rebound over?? Follow-up to my Dec 7 post titled “Rebound Starts” for those kinda tracking it and also to help some understand this rebound ride. For reference I’m currently at 8.5 months healing since finding out I was toxic. I was toxic for about 5 years with symptoms mimicking MS at times and more autonomic issues.
I’m on the protocol and focus on a diet close to RDA and a daily exercise and yoga/meditation regime. I’m an actor and musician, but also a safety consultant and toxicologist/industrial hygienist by profession. This is my second rebound with my first (I believe) that happened back in September with COVID and a colonoscopy cleanse that happened at the same time. Might have been a bad, long flare.
I traced this rebound phase in my journal back to Nov 27 (6.5 months in) when I took a flight to Maryland and I think had a histamine reaction while there, as well as after eating over 220% RDA accidentally at Thanksgiving a few days before (not really accidental…but the food was soooo good). So a perfect storm in a span of a few days that led to rebound.
Rebound symptoms that started it included my swallowing reflex stopping, severely dry skin and dry mouth, body tremors at times, neuropathy in feet, brain fog, vision issue, body aches and sore muscles, burning thigh, elevated resting pulse and BP at times, heart PVCs and arrhythmias, insomnia and less sleep (4-5 broken hours a night), gastrointestinal issues and fatigue were all the heavy hitters. These would be off and on through out rebound.
One day might be just neuropathy and insomnia. The next day vision issues and heart rate/BP. One day most of them would hit, and then the next only get fatigue. Never a constant, just random and I would always wake up symptom free, every day. Then as the day progresses, the symptoms would present and I would see what the day would entail.
The only constant symptom this rebound was the lack of sleep, the swallowing reflex issue and severely dry mouth/skin which was worrisome and caused some eating issues (some days I barely got 900 calories and 33% RDA). It would last a week or more, then get better for a week or two, then hit again. I had a mini honeymoon phase of about a week or so in the middle of almost no symptoms, but then it started back again. Granted, I was traveling during this time and that seemed to aggravate it and probably started the rollercoaster again.
I am currently at 7’ish weeks into this rebound ride and so far I’ve had 4 days of minimal to no symptoms and the swallowing issue has resolved to about 25%. I finally slept 8 actual hours for the first time in months Friday night, and then Saturday 7 hours!! The neuropathy is still slightly there at night, but it’s barely noticeable. And if I get up and walk it goes away.
I was doing better 2 weeks ago and then took another flight to Florida and the swallowing issue came back along with tremors, vision issues and a whole host of things. When I got home some of my really old symptoms came back. I woke up one night and my entire right side of my body was going to sleep. My arm and leg (calf to foot) and my neck and shoulder was falling asleep. I got out of bed and walked it off some, but the sensation was still there and my back started burning.
The whole next day my arms and legs were weak and heavy, and had some slight coordination issues. These were my very first symptoms that happened 5 years ago, and hasn’t happened in years so it was shocking. But I didn’t freak out (ok, I packed a bag for the ER just in case…but didn’t go). Two days later it acted like it was happening again slightly for a few hours, then went away. After a day or so, was all back to normal.
As of right now, I feel wonderful mentally, emotionally and physically. The jaw and throat are still weak and sore, and occasionally I can tell the swallowing issue is faintly present when I eat or drink, but it doesn’t happen. My skin is still really dry, but it is crazy cold weather here in Arkansas (USA) so that’s a factor. But I’m back to eating right, back to the gym and working out, and focusing on work.
I took myself off the road and travel until March to allow myself to heal. Talking a lot still causes some crazy dry mouth, which leads to the swallowing issue, so no singing or teaching for awhile. And I opted out of some film projects that would tax my body and were dialogue heavy and could cause the talking/dry mouth issue, and that sucked. But I want to focus on healing and enjoy some minimal symptom time. Let my body heal, and let it recharge properly. I’m horrible at pushing myself and making it worse. Not anymore. Health and happiness is priority number one now!
I hope this can give some new members here hope that if you are going through recoil or rebound, or even a flare, that eventually it will subside. Keep hope, keep your patience, bare through it and you will come out on the other side…eventually. It never feels like it when you’re in the depth of this craziness, but there is light up there shining, and the clouds will part.
Keep a journal of symptoms so you can trace back and can tell your specific timeline of flares and healing and also tell your triggers. Write down all your symptoms each day, and when and how they happen. This can tell you so much.
Mine seems to be a week or two of the worse symptoms and then it starts tapering off for a week or two. Air travel aggregates my symptoms and sleep seems to be an indicator of a flare and/or rebound. When my sleep starts dropping, a flare or rebound is coming on. When sleep comes back, it’s a signal it’s getting close to over. New symptoms came with the this rebound and with my first, and some older ones snuck their evil head back in as well. But because of this group, and tracking my symptoms, anxiety was at a minimum thankfully.
Keep trucking, keep living, and keep patient! Time is an ally.
Today marks my 9 month mark on my healing journey. I’m currently sliding out of a pretty rough rebound period of 2.5 months, but the keyword is sliding out of it.
I posted a couple weeks ago, maybe a month ago, “rebound over” and I spoke a little too soon. A few days later it flared back up. Rebound is not a cut and dry, wake up one day and it’s over, linear process. It’s a rollercoaster that you have to gauge the little wins each day and then look back and say “I think it’s coming to an end”. Flying aggravated this rebound about halfway in, so that probably added to a lot of this and extended the timeline.
This rebound the biggest symptoms were my swallow reflex, lump in throat and severe dry mouth episodes which made eating and even talking a scary chore at times. Plus side I lost 10 lbs. But other symptoms included neuropathy, POTS symptoms, sleep issues (5.5 hours a night average and wake ups between 2-3 am nightly), mild heart rate increases, brain fog episodes, crazy wrinkly and severe dry skin, and a few of my old toxic symptoms coming back that included random numbness in my right side (woke up at night to whole right side of body asleep), body tremors and a few I’m probably forgetting.
I had to eat a very selective diet, fight to get some calories and B6 in, had to go on no talking orders for three weeks cause talking created swallow issues, be a hermit, and a few days of couch duty. I also had to cancel all my trips and projects which hit the pocketbook hard, but I needed to focus on healing more.
But thankfully, it is finally easing up. Yesterday I felt absolutely normal for about 8 or 9 hours. Eating breakfast and lunch felt normal. No issues. Then in the afternoon some of the issues slowly came back, but bearable. Still not sleeping well, but neuropathy has been gone for about 2-3 weeks, and the only symptoms now are some mild lightheaded moments and the swallow issue is still lingering, but it’s at about 40% or less and only at night really.
I’m finally back to walking, yoga and mediation daily, slowly working the gym back in but light weights that’s tolerable and not causing lightheaded moments. My diet is getting better and adding more foods and meals in. I’m out of the no talking period, but it’s slow going as three weeks of no talking made the voice rough. I’m still not traveling, not doing acting projects or singing fully yet, and social life is slow going, but life is finally coming back on line out of rebound.
Today I’m having band rehearsals for the first time in 2 months, so that’s a huge win. I had more hope from day one because of the support of this group, so even at 2 months I always felt “just give it time man, you’ll make it through. So many others have!”
For those that are new to the group. How do I know I’m coming out of rebound? The same way I knew I was in rebound. Gauging and tracking symptoms. When all the symptoms started flaring and lasted more than a few days, I knew I was in rebound. And now, it’s been a handful of days with minimal symptoms and each day is less and less, so I know I’m coming out.
may still have a few more weeks of sliding out of this, but that’s ok. It is a nerve racking (pun intended), up and down rollercoaster, but the ride is slowing. I’m at 75% the last couple days, and that’s a huge, HUGE win. Yesterday I felt at 90% most of the day, and that’s a beautiful feeling again.
This is rebound! I’ve been tracking my journey each day in a journal, and more so during rebound. And this is what it looks like. For those that have yet to hit rebound or just joining and are scarred and worried, there is hope. It’s not constant bad days for weeks and months. It’s not fun AT ALL, my anxiety did kick up some days, but you have good days.
On this, green day’s are good days, pink are bad days. Good days I still had symptoms, but they were bareable or not really bothering me. Bad days were BAD! Some days started good, and ended bad. But it’s never linear, it’s always up and down. But each day got a little bit less symptomatic, and a little bit better. As time went on, the bad days were more bareable.
I am currently at 9 months and 18 days into healing and today is 3 months exactly since rebound started. This weekend was a bad weekend, I only got 4 hours sleep Saturday night and symptoms flared all day Sunday and I didn’t leave the couch. Today…I’m running about 90% right now and got 6 hours sleep, and symptoms are barely noticeable. Yesterday I felt like crap, today I feel amazing . It’s a crazy, unexpectable ride.
This rebound lasted longer cause on January 9th I flew to Florida and a combination of the flying, some slight dehydration and a severe weather front all hitting at once kick started my symptoms into high gear for another 6 weeks. So without that happening, probably wouldn’t have been so bad. But this shows the worst of it lasting 6 weeks.
During this rebound my worst symptoms were my swallow reflex stopping causing me to lose 15lbs, lump in throat, severe dry mouth causing more swallow issues, random numbness in whole right side, neuropathy in feet, random sweats, occasional tremors, low blood volume, POTS symptoms including severe lightheaded moments standing or doing anything for almost 2 weeks, tinnitus, brain fog, and sleeplessness averaging 5-5.5 hours a night. But not all at once on one day. Some days it was just one or two, some it was 3 or 4, some days maybe just one symptom. But they all reared their head to say hi.
Currently, as of today, the swallow reflex is still lingering but not near as bad, so I’m able to eat better. And I have some lightheaded moments still, but manageable. I can tell healing has occurred, and is still happening. There are a lot of scratching out on my calendar, and that’s cause this healing journey is a day to day juggle during rebound. I had a lot of appts and plans that I had to scrap and cancel for time on the couch. We adjust, we refocus, and live life in the healing bubble. But on the other side is life again! You will see this too.
My key to all of this…I stayed STRICT to the protocol, tried to exercise daily even when I didn’t feel good (at a minimum yoga and meditation), and monitored every single thing going into my body on Cronometer. I even measured the salt and water on Cronometer. I didn’t take anything but my blood pressure med, Zyrtec on bad days, and occasionally the kirklands sleep aid or zzquil, and I stayed right at or just under RDA.
I didn’t ask my body to do more than it needed or wanted. I let it tell me what to do, when to rest, and when to be active. Rest, heal, don’t continue to poison yourself with vasodilators, more supplements (unless you need more) or extra stuff you don’t need. This is a long, physical therapy journey but you have to do the work. But the work…does work!
B6T Anniversary – So today marks my 1 year B6 Toxicity Anniversary. A day I couldn’t fathom that I would make it to. On this date last year, my new (and 4th) neurologist called to tell me my blood work results. He said, “Most everything looks good. Do you drink energy drinks by chance?” I said that I drink pre-workout everyday and sometimes a Red Bull. He said, “Stop right now. Your vitamin B6 is toxic level. It’s 200 times what it should be!”
That started my healing journey. However, it was another 4 weeks before I saw him again for a follow up, and he said it can take 6 months, sometimes a year to heal. And that’s it, he didn’t tell me anything else…just stop supplements and come back in 3 months for more bloodwork to see if B6 went down. I was on my own.
It was another couple months until I would find the Understanding B6 Toxicity website by researching “Vitamin B6 toxicity treatment” and then eventually found this group. That’s when I learned about the protocol and that at the time I was dealing with recoil and flares and had no idea. The day I found the website and eventually this Facebook group was the day I credit to finally finding true healing and help. My doc finally found the toxicity, but this group gave me the path to healing and gave me hope for the first time in 5 years.
You can search this group for all my posts (use the magnifying glass up top and search my name) and see most of my story and my journey. The cliff notes of my journey: I was toxic for at least 5 years (my symptoms exploded in Dec 2018), went undiagnosed the entire time, had multiple ER visits, 4 neurologists, 2 cardiologists, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, and multiple MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, ECG’s, swallow study, endoscopy, colonoscopy, nuclear stress test, multiple blood panels for autoimmune, diseases, markers, etc….all came back negative and clear. All my ECGs were “textbook perfect” per the doc.
My toxic symptoms were every single one on the website aside from maybe one or two. I had them all! At my most toxic I had radical blood pressure spikes (max got to 180/98 twice), high blood pressure (average 134/90), elevated resting pulse (90’s), heart PVCs and arrhythmias, anxiety and panic attacks, swallowing issues, neuropathy in both feet, numbness in hands, burning in back, left buttock, and left thigh, cervical (neck) issues, vision issues, tinnitus, vertigo, brain fog, insomnia, sore joints and IBS issues. Those were the consistent and worst ones. More autonomic than anything.
I was overweight as I was depressed and eating way too much and eating junk and had breathing issues walking. I just was not healthy, even though I exercised consistently.
I was working and doing projects while sick and thought I was dying. I did one film in February at the height of my toxicity and shot 3 days with insane vertigo and burning feet. In between takes, I would have to sit down to get my bearings, then jump back up and try to get through my lines. I watched a Lifetime series I did and I thought, “Geez, I was having heart arrhythmias and my BP was way high during this whole shoot!”, I was so sick.
Doing concerts were almost unbearable, but I’d belt out an hour show and jump around on stage and then run to the van and pass out, contemplating telling my band mates to take me to the ER. Thankfully never had to. I was scared daily. And I went through all of it alone. Being a single guy, that part sucked. It was hard to tell friends and family, “I’m dealing with some unknown health issues…I don’t know what to do.”
But as of today (12 months, 365 days I healed)…majority of those symptoms are gone. I’m off blood pressure medications after a year and a half and my blood pressure is the best it’s been in 10+ years (I attached screenshot to show). My resting pulse is usually around 65 bpm average. At night it gets in the 50’s.
The only symptoms really that I’m dealing with post rebound are some mild neuropathy still on days I workout my legs hard, some swallow issues lingering and that’s it. I feel 90% better today. I did 50 minutes of crazy ab workouts and heavy weights and then 30 minutes on the elliptical yesterday. No flares after…but I’ll hate laughing, sneezing or coughing all day today I’m sure haha.
I’m back to working out 6 days a week, atleast 1.5 hours a day, but mostly 2 hours a day. I do 15 minutes of yoga daily, 45 minutes of weight training and 30-45 minutes cardio. I also meditate 15-30 minutes a day if I can. I’m staying strict to the protocol, and will until I’m symptom free for at least a full month.
I stick at RDA for meals (getting in 2,000-2,500 calories and 150-170g protein), drink at least 3 liters of water, 8oz of cherry juice (after workout), 8oz of coconut juice and 12 oz of pedialyte daily (6oz first thing in AM, 6oz last thing at PM works for me). And also way too much coffee haha.
I’ve lost 25 lbs total in this past year. I’m doing moderate cardio and can’t get my pulse over 135 on the elliptical now. I’m also back to sleeping at least 6 hours a night without waking at 2-3am, but the other night I got 7:15 hours sleep (on Zzquil still, but hey…). I have my energy back, but still get my lazy on
I feel so much healthier, better and life is amazing and hopeful now. Days seem brighter, even when it’s pouring down raining outside. I even look healthier and better than I have in a few years. My skin doesn’t have the weird texture it did during toxicity and rebound, and even after working out hard I don’t ache. I’m back to headbanging some during band rehearsals, and doing exercises I long thought were over like squats and running.
I still have some hurdles to leap, and I know I will have some down turns in the future, some flares will happen, and I’m still dealing with swallow issues. But swallow issues were one of my first symptoms, so it should be one of my last. However I’m better prepared for those down turns physically, mentally and emotionally.
It’s been a very long year, and a bumpy road to travel…but the road I’m on now for this journey doesn’t have any pot holes, and it’s all down hill. There is light at the end of the tunnel…and there’s hope! Thank you to everyone that has commented on posts, read my OVERLY long explanations and posts, answered my own questions, supported and cheered me on, but even more so gave ME hope during my recoil and rebound and my worst times. Even when I’m healed, I’ll still be here helping and supporting as many as I can! Much love and hope to all my B6 survivors
14 month update to encourage newcomers and old hacks. This week I’m at 14 months into healing, and a handful of months out of rebound. My story – was toxic for 5+ years taking over 850% RDA for most of that time through diet and supplements. Had almost every symptom on the website, but was never bed ridden. Had every test imageable, all negative except nerve conduction. However it took my 4th neurologist to find out B6 toxic. Now I’m on the road to recovery.
I’m still dealing with a few random symptoms here and there and the swallow issue is still consistent, but manageable. But most days I’m running at 90% healed. A few monumental moments happened this past few weeks that have slingshotted me back into normal life. I’ve been off of here a lot lately just cause I’m back to work and back to doing projects after taking a few months off during rebound. Spent 5 weeks on the road working straight through and had no real issues.
-I just took my first flight since a flight to Pensacola kick started my rebound back in January. 2 hour flight into Charlotte and was so nervous I’d have a flare or issue in the air. And nothing happened. No neuropathy, no lightheadedness, nothing. Normal flight. I did chug pedialyte powder drink the entire flight, but no issues.
-Started back remodeling my house in the severe heat. Did A LOT of sweating (which causes histamine reaction) and made sure to hydrate well, but only had a couple lightheaded days. Not bad though.
-Back to two a day workouts (1 hr weights in the am, 30-45 min cardio in the pm)…and feels great. I feel worse when I don’t exercise.
-Back to teaching, singing in the studio and acting projects…which all can be tiring to a body. But teaching 8 hour day felt amazing, and my vocal range and lung capacity is even better than before!! Like pre-toxic levels.
-Got stung by something last week. Maybe a hornet, bee, who knows but it hurt. I had an allergic reaction to a bee sting in 2015 so got scared that I would again, along with B6T whatever happening. But no reaction…no allergy issues, nothing. Got sick the next day, may have been coincidence, like stomach sickness, but no nothing. Not even histamine reaction.
-Back to eating normal people food here and there. Had a subway sandwich, some fried fish, a chicken dinner at an event, even had a burger and no issues with food. I’m still on the B6 diet and keeping at around RDA, but occasionally I’ll venture off and it’s been ok.
-Had a couple alcoholic drinks in the past month. A cider one night, wine another. Didn’t sleep well each night and the next day felt blah, but was ok having a drink occasionally.
-My heart rate and BP is better than ever. Some cardio I can’t even get my heart rate past 130bpm. Walking now my heart rate is what it was just sitting while toxic. See photos…I had high BP long before toxic, and now it’s the best ever. When toxic my pulse would get to 90-95 sitting on the couch, now it’s 85 at a brisk walk. Uphill would get to 135-140…now, 116 max. Feel amazing.
I did have a flare this week that lasted about a day and a half. Right before my flight too. But think it was a combination of going over RDA and not hydrating enough and also my neck/shoulder muscles being super tight from overworking and compressing on my neck. Got lightheaded, and could feel my pulse again a few times. But was probably 20% what it was when toxic, so didn’t stop me.
Overall im still focusing on healing for another 9-10 months. I’m hydrating with 3 liters a day, but just doing the sodium in my diet which is plenty. I’ve always done 3 liters a day even long before protocol. I’m not focused on Cronometer, but only cause I know my diet and portions by heart now. But I’ll check any new food before I eat it. I am exercising daily, even if it’s just yoga and walking, but most days I’m doing yoga, weights and cardio along with my daily work which can be exercise alone.
But I’m feeling so much better after rebound and 14 months in. The flare was a hiccup, but didn’t scare me and was mild. I’m staying focused, but life has gotten back to normal’ish. Stay tuned for more!!!
(Crossing fingers I don’t jinx myself with this post….Beth and admins know what I’m talking about )
Healing post and 16 month update…
So I had my first show back in 2+ years last night. Some may not know, but I’m a musician and actor on top of being an industrial toxicologist/industrial hygienist and also recovering B6T’er. And last night my band, Stays In Vegas, had our first show in 2 years headlining a festival here in my home state. It was a huge kick off to our comeback effort.
We are also in preproduction of our 4th studio album that we started in the height of my toxicity 2 years ago when we also had to take a step back because of my health. We tried restarting the album last year, but I could barely sing, could barely breath right and just had too many symptoms for it to sound any good. We trashed a lot of our work.
But now, 16 months into healing and being apart of this group, we are back to work on the album, booking shows, and last night we played a 45 minute set and I had ZERO symptoms or issues the entire show. I belted out harder than I ever have, I headbanged and jumped around when 2 years ago I thought those days were long gone and done.
And more importantly, I was sweating more than I have in a long time cause it was so hot and I did not have a dehydrating event!!!! I made sure I had plenty of water and Gatorade all day. I felt like the old me from our touring days pre-toxicity!!!! That’s HUGE!!! Last night was a major milestone in healing.
I also started back traveling and flying the past couple months, and started back on some acting projects. And I’m also back to teaching classes. I did a 40 hour hazardous materials class this week. I taught Monday through Thursday, was on a film all day Friday, then singing on stage Saturday! 16 months ago, heck even 7 months ago in rebound, that was all inconceivable (The Princess Bride movie quote there for everyone). I’m back baby!!!!!!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am about 90%-95% healed, not completely healed. I am feeling the effects today…but I am an old rocker, not as young as I was haha. But the effects are more soreness and headache from jumping and headbanging…not B6T.
The only lingering symptom I have nowdays is the swallowing issue. My swallow reflex still wants to give me trouble, but it’s much better than it was. I still get some dry mouth and then extreme saliva moments and my swallow reflex switches to having to do a more focused swallow at times, but not most of the day. And I’ve had an occasional mild PVC/Arrhythmia when I had a little too much B6 in meals, but that’s all I’m dealing with.
I had a mild flare a couple weeks ago due to back to back flights, but it only lasted a day or two and was a fraction of before. Overall, life is manageable and healing is on the horizon. Life feels normal’ish…emphasis on the ish.
What am I doing still at 16 months?? I stay very close to the protocol. I still watch my food and keep at or near RDA everyday. I don’t use Cronometer cause after 10-12 months of using it, I know my portions by heart and my diet really doesn’t stray much. I still use for new food to make sure it’s not super loaded. But I have had some chipotle with chicken, my fav but also super high B6. But I get half portions and only rarely go.
I still hydrate with 2-3 liters a day, but I don’t use added salt. I’ve always drank this amount before being toxic, but I get plenty of salt in food and I drink a Gatorade zero a day and a coconut water a day too. Always have, just my thing.
And I exercise DAILY!! Regardless of anything, I’ll either go to the gym, walk or do yoga. Atleast 1.5 hours a day. Most days I do all three. And I try to meditate some each day. Healthy is my goal! I also take care of myself by going to the chiropractor once a month, sports massage every couple weeks and therapy every two weeks. Mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health.
I’m also on no supplements except creatine monohydrate and collagen I put in my morning Owyn protein drink. That’s it. NO SUPPLEMENTS UNLESS MY DOC AND BLOOD TESTS SHOW I NEED IT!!! Supplements got me into this mess, I don’t wanna go back.
More updates to come. The protocol works, but you have to do the work!! That’s key. And thanks to Beth Smarzik for coming to my show to support and taking the video! You are the true rockstar Beth!!!!!
Hiya B6T peeps!!! Long time no see.
I wanted to do another healing post now that I’m on 17 months healed, and do a September dump for you. (For newbies, search my name in this group and you’ll see my journey for reference).
September was AMAZING as far as my healing journey. To summarize these pics, see below. But at 17 months my life took a quicker turn for the positive. Actually this summer did, but September was a big turning point for B6 healing. I’m about 95% healed and still fighting the swallow symptom which I think will take another 6 months to heal. That’s what I’m giving it anyway. And it’s more the oral transport phase of swallow (the initial start of swallowing, with saliva and moving food back into the mouth). Everything else symptom wise is either gone, or so minor I don’t register it much when it happens.
But, I have had more than a handful of extreme sweating and physical overexertion events this past month with no flaring, no increase of symptoms, and no after effects except the typical soreness. This is HUGE when it comes to B6 healing. I also got sick during this time with maybe flu, but felt like strep, and no issues either. Other than being sick haha. But didn’t flare symptoms. For reference, I still hydrate with atleast 80 oz of water and 20 oz of Gatorade zero a day, and I keep my diet close to RDA of B6. I’ve also introduced more high B6 foods into my diet this past month with not a lot of problems. I had STEAK at my bday party and it was AMAZING! And no issues. I also had 4 glasses of sangria and just the typical wine hangover the next day.
But here’s the summary:
-I started back playing on stage again. Beth posted about this a month ago. But this is HUGE! My live stage show is a little intense and a workout, from loading in to playing and loading out…it’s a multiple hours workout. No issues though!
-I’ve started back teaching and traveling this year. No real issues flying and talking 8hrs straight, 5 days a week, just minor issues here and there.
-Workouts…this is HUGE! I’ve introduced exercises that I put away years ago now thinking I can no longer do because they always caused symptoms. Deadlifts, squats, running, extreme workout days…all BACK! And no issues!
-I’ve had multiple overexertion and extreme sweating events with no flares or increase of symptoms. No dehydrating event issues…that’s a big one too!
– I turned 50…but honestly, feel like I’m 35. No lie, everyday I wake up I feel 35 at the most. I don’t feel that I’m 50…like seriously, why that number haha. When I was toxic, I felt like I was 60-70 years old. Now I feel much younger, healthier, happier!!!
-I got my social life back! I had become close to a recluse for most of a 2-3 year period because I was always scared symptoms would start, or because of symptoms. But now I’m back to seeing and meeting with people, going to shows and concerts without worrying, and traveling to see old friends. It’s been wonderful. I’ve also started dating again…but that’s not so wonderful hahaha Dating SUCKS!!
-I started projects back that always seemed to cause symptoms or have to stop because of a flare. I’m remodeling my house, fixing things in my life and not worrying anymore.
And the biggest aspect of all of this is I’ve gotten my life back! Which is why I haven’t been on this group much. Getting my life back means being crazy busy. My lifestyle is usually going 100mph daily for most people. Being a musician, actor and consultant, on top of being single, means I’m usually juggling a full schedule. And it’s been on hiatus for a long time. But it’s back. I usually go from waking up, hitting a 2 hour workout, then working all day with meetings, calls or teaching, then heading straight to an audition or rehearsal or hitting a show to support, then finally going to bed. All to do again the next day. Today is the first true “down day with an empty calendar” in over 2 months. So I wanted to share and update my 17 month milestone. I’m still here, floating around the ceiling of the group looking down and helping when I can. But the keyword is “when I can”. And that’s amazing to be able to say that.
Healing DOES and WILL happen for all you new people and those still in the healing journey. But here is the trick…BE PATIENT AND CONSISTENT!! That is the biggest pill you can take to heal and cure. Be patient in the journey. Healing nerves and the nervous system is slow, slow, slow!! Be consistent with the protocol. You can’t do it a week, then lay off a few weeks. Or pick and choose what to do! Jump on the protocol and be consistent. I’m still doing it for the most part!! And will continue doing for probably another 6 months. Then we shall see.
Aight, gotta go hit the gym. My 2 hour daily workout starts now!!!
Happy Thursday all…and happy B6T healing!
Just a positive healing update post to spread some motivation. I just ran my first straight, non stop 1 mile in over 4 years. AND it was my fastest 1 mile lap time in probably 6 years…mind is blown . And it is freezing cold too haha. Heart rate never got above 150 bpm running, but stayed around 145 bpm with some hills too. For reference, when toxic and during rebound just walking it would get to 130-135.
For the newbies, I am at 19.5 months healed and was toxic for 5+ years. I had every symptom, aside from 1 or 2, listed on the website. Never was bed ridden, but spent A LOT of days laid up. Most of my worst symptoms were autonomic and heart related. I used to run marathons and run 25-30 miles a week atleast before I became toxic, but about 4 years ago I had to stop cause of all my symptoms and running made them super worse. I thought I would NEVER run again. But here I am…back at it!! I’ve been building back up to this moment over the past month. Running 5 mins, then walk 5 mins, etc. But today, decided to test myself…and wooooo hooo!!! I killed it (to me anyway haha)
I am coming off a mild 2nd rebound. Various reasons around it, but it wasn’t bad. More annoying than anything and about 20% intensity some days, some days barely anything. But I’m back to 95% healed feeling. Still doing the RDA diet, still exercising 6 days a week, and still hydrating a lot, but not 3-4 liters. I get about 2-2.5 liters a day and it works.
But healing happens! Do the work, be patient (that’s the key) and follow the protocol! You’ll get there. I’m expecting some more down slides in the future, but man…today I FEEL HEALED!!! ????????????????????
Chris was recently nominated under multiple categories for The International Singer Songwriters Association.