
Energy Drinks

Two of our group members shared their personal experience with energy drinks and B6 toxicity with our group:

“I was addicted to energy drinks for 10 years, progressively drinking more and more. I ignored the symptoms of SFN, thinking it was part of getting old. I was in so much pain, after a year and a half. I got the SFN skin punch biopsies showing positive. Alot of tests were ran and everything looked fine, except I was told my B6 was ” a little high” and to stop any B6 supplements I was taking. They did not say anything to me about B6 toxicity, they said SFN wasn’t painful and I should be fine…. I knew that this was not true. I requested to go to the Neuroscience Institute closet to me. I went and was diagnosed with B6 toxicity, as well as all the fun stuff it is causing. They knew more about it than the local neurologist and even about the energy drinks, and he said it had been causing all my issues. 6 months later, off energy drinks and I am healing. Slowly, but I can definitely see improvement and so can my neuromuscular I see at the institute.”

My husband had an amazing visit yesterday. I am so thankful for this group. I believe it seriously saved my husbands life. This is the post I shared on my personal page. I just wanted to update for the ones that have asked. 

As most of you know, Barry has been having major health issues. A few months ago after his symptoms progressively got worse and his EMG showed significant changes, we were told they were pretty sure he had ALS. Things had gotten so bad, we were getting our affairs in order and thinking we were both going to have to quit our jobs. Barry even had to step back from The House of Eli which holds a piece of his heart. Chelsie and her family also came home for a visit because he was progressing so fast.

We sought a second opinion and he did extensive bloodwork and his b6 was high but we were told it shouldn’t be causing any of his symptoms. I found a b6 toxicity group and was shocked at how many people were thought to have had ALS and it was b6 toxicity. Some people were even bedridden and made full recoveries. Barry had been drinking Monster energy drinks for 4 years and had added Liquid IV and Red Bull last year and they all contain b6. Within 3 weeks of stopping all of the drinks his visible fasciculations were better. He still has days that they are bad but overall he is doing so much better. He was having severe muscle cramps, full body fasciculations, losing muscle mass, muscle weakness, dropping things and overall looking really sick.

Over the last 2 months he is looking more like himself, all of his symptoms have improved and his leg muscles have even gotten bigger. We saw the neurologist today and he said we still need to monitor him for ALS but he said with his improvement he is not officially diagnosing him with ALS and that he now considers him to be at a low risk. In my gut, I feel like it is related to the b6 since he has seen improvement for the first time since he started having symptoms and it all started to improve so soon after stopping it.

Not many doctors are familiar with b6 toxicity. I urge anyone that takes supplements, multivitamins, energy and hydration drinks with b6, or even if your diet is high in b6 to be aware of the dangers. It causes peripheral neuropathy and sometimes the damage is irreversible. We have spent thousands of dollars in medical bills, seen several doctors, had multiple tests, not to mention the emotional toll it has taken on our family thinking he was terminal. If we can save one person from this nightmare it is worth it.

I want to thank everyone that has prayed for us and constantly checked on us. It has meant more to us than you will ever know. Please continue to pray that it is not ALS, that the damage can be reversed, and for continued improvement. We are overjoyed at the news we received today and believe in the power of prayer. He will need to have neck and back surgery but the neurologist did recommend trying to hold off for a little bit just to monitor for ALS but he gave the all clear if the neurosurgeon says he doesn’t need to wait. God is good! 

For more information on B6 and Energy Drinks, please visit the articles below :

Adverse effects of caffeinated energy drinks among youth and young adults in Canada: a Web-based survey

Energy Drinks: Food, Dietary Supplement, or Drug?

CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System: Voluntary and Mandatory Reports on 5-Hour Energy, Monster Energy, and Rockstar Energy Drink

Regular Intake of Energy Drinks and Multivitamin Supplements is Associated with Elevated Plasma Vitamin B6 Levels in Post-Bariatric Patients

Vitamin B-6-Induced Neuropathy: Exploring the Mechanisms of Pyridoxine Toxicity

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