Vitamin B6 is a known neurotoxin. B6 toxicity is Small Fiber Polyneuropathy (SFPN).


Sensory Neuropathy

  • Pain in hands, feet, face, etc.
  • Burning
  • Widespread pain

Motor Neuropathy

  • Muscle weakness
  • Losing muscle mass
  • Exercise intolerance 

Autonomic Neuropathy

  • Blood volume issues which cause brain fog, headaches, lightheadedness, ANXIETY
  • Blood pressure issues (high and low)
  • Pulse issues (rapid or slow heartbeat)
  • Digestive issues including IBS, diarrhea, constipation, bloatedness
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry mouth

 Research is now showing adverse effects to vitamin B6 in amounts as low as 1.4 mg. 


The EU's upper tolerable limit is 12 mg per day.* The upper tolerable limit for B6 is 3.5 mg per day in Germany.**  


Australia's TGA now requires warning labels for any product containing 10 mg or more of B6. *** 

The Understanding B6 Toxicity website takes the known peer-reviewed research and combines it with the bottom-up research from the Understanding B6 Toxicity Facebook group.  


The goal is to help those suffering from years of unknown health issues due to this known neurotoxin to finally get on the right path towards regained health.  



*Turck, D., Bohn, T., Castenmiller, J., de Henauw, S., Hirsch‐Ernst, K., Knutsen, H. K., Maciuk, A., Mangelsdorf, I., McArdle, H. J., Pelaez, C., Pentieva, K., Siani, A., Thies, F., Tsabouri, S., Vinceti, M., Fairweather‐Tait, S., Vrolijk, M., Fabiani, L., Titz, A., & Naska, A. (2023). Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin B6. EFSA Journal, 21(5).


**German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. (2021). Proposed maximum levels for the addition of vitamin B6 to foods including food supplements. Retreived from:


*** Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). (2023, July 12). Health supplements containing vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy.,children%2C%20depending%20on%20their%20age

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